Chapter 11

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    This morning me and the crew got ready for church. Shaunda and her boys stayed over since she had about a 2-3 hour drive back to her house. She decided she was going to go to church with us and after she was gonna head home. I'm glad cause I haven't seen her in about a year since last summer, so I wanna spend all the time I could with her. Me and bbg was matching today she had on her black and white dress with a red bow in the back. I put her hair in to puff balls. She got her hair wet yesterday and it poofed back to curly 😂. I had my black and red dress on with some red bottoms. Something simple. I grabbed her diaper bag and threw us in some extra clothes to change into after church. Everyone was pretty much ready but Jasmine 😐 she was in the bathroom playing with her damn hair . Lawd! I went in the bathroom and took over her head and started brushing it all into a bun. Idk what style she was trying to do but it was time to go 💀 lmao.
    Jas POV:
         I woke up this morning feeling sore asf 😩 I'm not even going to bother to tell y'all... I got me some buddy last night! And bih when I say Wayne put in work?! Yas Lawd!! .. Yeah Wayne .. 💀 we snuck off out the party after Kane arrived. Wayne was really pissed and he stormed out, so I followed behind him to check on him. For the rest of the time we was chilling at his house, and that's how it happened. Lol He put it on me chy! I was gonna wear some heels today but I think I'll be safe with flats 💀 needless to say he fucked up my hair so now I'm in the bathroom struggling with this shit 😐  until Allison brung her motherly ass in the bathroom and snatched the brush out my hand and started doing my hair. Who told this bitch I wanted a bun? 😑 she be forgetting we almost the same age 😐.
        Shaunda POV:
           After church I was getting my boys buckled in the car until Ju stopped me and said she wanna keep them for the remainder of this week. Shit cool with me gotdamn! Damn.. They don't got no clothes! Shit. " Bit they don't have enough clothes for the week , no pampers , no nothing." I reminded her. " You act like ain't no stores around here.. I got this . They good. This shit ain't nothing new. Take them out the car and put them in the back seat of my truck." Her lil bossy ass demanded. I ain't gon say shit cause I do need a break and I know they gonna be in good hands . So I had to pick them up and placed them in her truck. Lawd smh I kissed my boys and handed Ju some money, but of course her ass looked at me like I was stupid. See .. We Finna fight on church grounds💀 " I look homeless to you? I asked you for a handout? I said I got them! Food clothes . Toys all that!" She said getting in her truck. Smh this bit. " well you just make sure them toys stay at your house! They don't need no more at mine." I said getting in my car pulling off lol. 😂

   Serenity POV:
       Me and Jasmine was walking to my car from church and I looked over and seen Ju and Shaunda arguing 💀 you literally cannot take them two no where together. Lol since Ju taking the kids to the park , me and jasmine gonna go to the mall and get some lunch.

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