Chapter 1

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     This morning started off as any other morning would for my household. My alarm went off around 5:00am. I set up in bed trying to get myself together and prepare myself to take a shower and head down stairs to start breakfast and to let the dog outside. I got in the shower and just let the water run down my body as I said my daily prayer. After I got out, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. While I was making breakfast for me and my baby girl there was a knock at the door. "Now who the hell could this be at 5:45 in the damn morning?" I said walking to get the door. And of course it was my cousin Jasmine. Me and this girl been through it all together! When you seen JuJu you seen Jasmine and vice versa. "Damn bitch you must forgot your key again?!" I said letting her in the house. " yeah girl lol I'm sorry." She said walking in dropping her bags down on my couch. " Thank you for letting me stay here while I take this 8 week class girl , it's so much easier to get back and forth to work and class from here then all the way from Amelia." Jas said while sitting at the kitchen table scrolling through her phone. "Bih you know damn well you welcomed here anytime! I told you that when we picked the house out lol. Just stop losing your damn key! Luckily I got a spare one you can use to get yours made. Just make sure you put it back when your get yours. You want something to eat?" " Thank you, and nah girl I ate when I left work this morning." She replied without looking up from her phone. I made me and Myiah's plates and started to head upstairs to get her up and ready for the day. "Cookie! It's time to get up baby love." I sing in her ear as I tickled her. She was trying to fake sleep, I seen her crack a smile. "Come on cookie wash your face and brush them stank teeth, your TT Jas down stairs." When I said that she hopped up so quick with the biggest grin on her face. "Ok mommy tell her don't leave I'm on my way!" She said running to her bathroom. Lol "She's not going anywhere cookie she staying with us for a while, so take your time and brush them teeth real good! Lmao" I yelled while walking back downstairs. Before I could even sit down to start eating my food, Myiah comes jetting down the stairs jumping in Jasmine's arms. Jasmine was there when I was in labor all the way up til now. She really has stuck with me and been the biggest help of all. " hey cookie boo!" Jasmine screamed planting kisses all over Myiah's face as she giggled and enjoyed every bit of it. After we ate, Myiah went to watch cartoons since she didn't have to go to daycare since Jasmine was here now. While I was drying the dishes and putting them away Jasmine finally came up from her phone and sparked a convo. " Allison what you doing next weekend?" She asked . She's the only one other then my grandparents that can call me by my name. " Girl this my last weekend to work, then I'm on a 1 month vaca shawty!" I said twerking lol! " ayeee Turnup! Good because there's this rapper I wanna go see and I want you to come with me.." She said looking at me real close . " oh Iight ! Who?? He must be some local ass rapper cause I haven't heard anything about a concert lmao" I said while chuckling a bit, but it stopped when I seen the guilty look in her eyes. "Damn Jasmine I was just playing don't kill me lmao" " Girl Lmaooo! He a up coming rapper but I swea you gon love him just watch!" " mhm I better girl im so sick of these local ass rappers in Richmond I know that for sure, but let me go get ready for work! This 9-5 is calling my name! I made my way upstairs and made me and my daughter's beds and started to get ready for work.

 Cyanide Love ❤️✨Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ