My face blushed red with embarrassment. "It was hot!" I exclaimed.

Chloe spoke up. "I bet it was." She then winked.

They're so damn difficult.

"Dude, your abs are getting hotter." Camila said while smacking my stomach lightly.

I noticed Lauren staring at them and smirked a little before replying back to Camila. "Yeah, I've been doing a lot more physical activity."

I heard Dinah say something that sounded a lot like "Oh my fucking god," while Chloe choked on her spit. Camila laughed really loud until Alycia cleared her throat.

"Yeah, well put a shirt on, we have an interview." She said before walking away, Lauren following.

Dinah then spoke up. "Way to sound like you're fucking."

"I know." I said while winking and jumping out of the bunk. I walked over to mine and grabbed a plain blue shirt to wear in the interview. I thought we were on break but whatever.

"I'll be back, Cami. You want me to get you anything before I come back?" I asked Camila while walking back to her bunk.

She smiled. "Gummy bears and an orange Gatorade would be great."

I kissed her forehead. "Done. I hope you feel better soon. Love you, monkey."

She did a little wave. "Have fun, love you too!"


Half an hour later and my band mates and I were sitting on the couch for an interview with some random website.

"I'm here with the lovely ladies of Chase Atlantic, how are you ladies?" The interviewer, Sadie, asked.

"We're good. It's great to be here!" Shannon said and we all smiled.

"Okay, let's dive right in! All your fans are dying to know when the 'Marry You' video will be released. Any ideas?" Sadie asked.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I can say that you'll definitely recognize a few people in it when it does come out, though." I said with a playful smirk.

"Ooh, fun!" The interviewer said. "So, how's everyone's love life going?" She asked with a smirk.

Everyone laughed and Shannon answered first. "Mine is going great. Cammie came to visit last week!"

Chloe spoke up next. "It's going very slowly." She said which caused us to all laugh.

"I'm doing pretty good single, although I do have my eyes on someone." Alycia said playfully.

Everyone turned to me and I just playfully winked into the camera. That's the only answer they'd be getting.

The interviewer asked a few more questions and I just zoned out until I heard her saying goodbye.

We left and went back to the tour bus. On the way I had the driver stop at target so I could get Camila what she wanted. I also got Lauren some Nutella because I knew she ran out.

Chase Atlantic ( Lauren/You )Where stories live. Discover now