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"Baby,we have to go the studio today to record some stuff,do you want to come with us?"Luke asked the boy who was preoccupied with his fruit loops."Michael answer me when I ask you a question"Luke said sternly cause Michael to squeak and drop his spoon.

"Yes S-sir"he stuttered.

"That's one strike"Luke told the boy."do you want to come to the studio with us?"He repeated himself.

"Yes please,Daddy"The boy answered with wide eyes.

"Okay,kitten,finish your cereal and we'll get you dressed"Luke told him kissing his head and walking out of the room.

Once Michael made sure that no one was around he proceeded to pour his cereal into the bin,covering it with other rubbish so the boys wouldn't notice.


Michael couldn't stop smiling.He still couldn't believe that his idols were his dominants.Seeing them recording made it even more real.

He was currently sitting on John Feldman's lap as the man worked with the audio as the boys recorded a song called 'Like the Stars'.It wasn't the official name just something that rolled off the tongue.

"Please come back to me again,and we can let go of everything.Michael thought it didn't quite fit.

"John"He mumbled catching the older man's attention."yes?"

"What about If you could love me again instead"He mumbled quietly.John instantly cut off the boy's.

"That's perfect,Mikey"The boy's looked at him in confusion.

"Lads,instead of that sing If you could love me again"

And they did.And it sounded amazing.

"Everything like the stars,everything like the stars,when you're with me,when when you're with me"they sang.

"Nothing like the rain when you're in outer space"Michael mumbled.

And so the song "Outer Space" was .formed.It was the boy's favourite track so far.

The day continued with Michael helping to add finishing touches to songs.John even showed him how to use some of the equipment.

And the highlight of Michael's day was getting to meet Alex Gaskarth.The boy's were about to record 'Catch Fire' when a certain blue headed man boy walked into the room making Michael squeal in excitement and fall of John's lap onto the floor.it went something like this.

5 minutes into the recording Alex had Michael on his lap.

The boy was smiling from ear to ear. His daddies were singing and performing amazing music in front of him, he happened to be sitting in Alex Gaskarths lap, and was able to help touch up songs. Who could ask for a better day? That was until...

Michael heard Luke's voice come out through the speakers, "Hey John, we want to wrap this up and head home. So, last song is gonna be 'Broken Home' if you don't mind."

"No problem, I'll play the track now." John spoke releasing the button when he was done, "Michael? Wanna do the honors?" The small submissive was beaming with joy as he frantically nodded his head yes. "Alright, play track 12." His little finger swirled above all the different buttons and nobs till his eyes landed in what he was looking for. Michael pressed track 12 and listened to the sounds of Luke's acoustic guitar pour from the speakers.

"They would yell, they would scream, they were fighting it out," Luke's soft voice soothe the boy in Alex's lap as he sang, "She would hope, she would pray, she was waiting it out. Holding onto a dream. While she watches these walls fall down." Michael wasn't paying attention to the lyrics, but as soon as Calum started up the chorus he regretted listening to a single word.

"Hey mum, hey dad. When did this end? When did you lose your happiness? I'm here alone inside of this broken home." The realization of what the song was about hit Michael like a truck. He was hearing things. Right? He had to have been. Songs are suppose to tell a story and make you feel something. Michael was feeling so much at once he could barely breath,  "Who's right, who's wrong. Who really cares? The fault, the blame, the pain's still there. I'm here alone inside of this broken home, this broken home." It was depressing how much Michael could relate to this one song. A song about a messed up family. A broken one in fact. That happens to be the exacted place Michael was born and raised. He lived with screaming, fighting, bruised skin, broken bones, and neglect. It was hell he was brought up in. 

The fact that a song told all the factors of his life had the boy speechless. Air was caught in his throat and not a sound could be coughed up. His dad? Oh god. Michael knew he was safe. There was no way his father could ever see him again, but he still had that doubt in the back of his head. Michael dosent know what his future had in store. That scared him to death. The thought of the man he had lived with for the majority of his life made him sick. He couldn't live with him again. His body couldn't take anymore assault.

"Michael....Michael? Hellooooo?" Calum waved his hand in front of the small boys face. Mikey had completely zoned out, but the question was for how long?

"Hey kitten, what's going on? You were out of it for a good 10 minutes." Ashton spoke worried.

"Ha, you didn't eat anything Alex gave you did you?" Luke giggled thinking that was the funniest thing ever.

"Luke, stop being a fucking dick man." With a swift movement of his hand, Calum, chopped Luke in his family jewels. Was it worth it? Hell yeah. Luke was being a dumb ass. He didn't know what their baby was thinking, so it was an inappropriate time to be cracking jokes, "Baby? Are you okay? What's on your mind?" Calum softly rubbed Michaels arm, but he wasn't listening. He was lost in his own mind.

"Hey, we're going home, ya? So I'm gonna need you to stand. Alright?" Ashton tried to assure Michael so the boy won't freak out. Ash slowly placed his hands on Michael's and carefully lifted him to his feet. Calum went to the other side of their submissive to help support him.

He wasn't responding. It was like he was in complete shock. The two boys walked out of the studio and placed him in the car with Luke following close behind. The three band members didn't know what was up. All they knew was someone they loved and cared for was lost.


Hey what's up guys,
I hope everything is going well for you and you're all happy and stuff.Just know that if you ever need anything feel free to come to me :)

Thankyou so much guys for the sweet messages in the last chapter.They definitely made me feel better.I wish that I could hug each and every one of you.

So this chapter couldn't have happened without youre-band-obsessed  who wrote more than half the chapter and also created my beautiful cover! Go check out her page :)

I really love you guys,you've saved my life countless of times.

Lots of love


P.s why do you guys even read this lmfao

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