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."Michael?" Luke questioned.

"Y-yes daddy?"

"Can you come here?"

"Of course L-lukey." Michael made his way around the couch and on to Luke's lap. The dominant looked into the submissive eyes. He was ready to apologize for his wrongdoings.

"Can I say something?"


"I'm sorry, I c-can't control my anger sometimes. I don't know if you know, but I grew up whith two older brothers," Luke spoke, "and they weren't the nicest people. They always tore me down, told me I wasn't good enough, and that I was a mistake. I always got picked on by them. At the time I was so small. I couldn't protect myself.
As I got older , I got stronger. So we would fight more physical than verbally." Michael rubed circles in Luke's back, seeing the boys eyes tear up a little.

"Is that all?"

"No...I'm so sorry. I'm supposed to take care of you. My punishment was too intense and out of line."

"It's fine. I-I understand-d."

"But it's not fine. I gave you a punishment you obviously asked not to have. Yet I gave it to you."

"C-can we just w-watch a movie? If t-that's fine with you."

"How about Nexflix & Chill?" Luke looked at his kitten and saw he just wanted some time alone to cuddle, "Sorry. Wasn't funny. Your wish is my command." Luke quickly got up, also wanting time with Michael. He wanted to make up for his mistake.

The boy looked trough the Collection of movies, pulling one out at random. Much to Luke's surprise it was Mean Girls. He placed the CD into the player and collapsed on the couch next to Michael.

The smaller boy slowly laid his body on top of Luke's. Their feet played footies as they patiently waited for the previews to go by. With Michael's hear right on Luke's heart he couldn't help but to feel so relaxed and safe. He knew Luke made the punishment decision out of pure habit. He'll always love his dominants more, never less.

The boys settled their game of footies down as the movie started to play. Their legs ended up tangled together. Michael enjoyed his time with Luke as his heart beat slowly put the boy to sleep.


The small princess lightly stirred around as Luke slowly tried to get up. They both fell asleep on the couch, and Luke could already feel the crook in his back. He delicately pulled himself out of Michaels grip. Every so slightly he lifted Michaels arm up, trying not to wake the sleeping beauty. He failed to do so. "L-Luke?"

"Yes baby?"

"Where are you going?"

"To make breakfast. You should have some."

"N-no thank y-you daddy, but may I-I ask you something?"

"Yes, ask away."

"How is y-your relationship w-with your brothers n-now??"

"Ummmm...it's better than before. Way better in fact. If we argue it's a slap to the back, instead of a punch to the face."

"That's g-good."

"Well, the main reason is because I never see them. I guess that's good." Luke slowly spoke. He helped his tried kitten off his body and let his long legs lead him towards the kitchen. "Now, you don't have a choice. You are eating." Luke commanded.


"No if, ands, or buts. Breaking a rule requires punishment. Do you want that kitten?"

"No sir."

"Okay then, pancakes or waffles?"

Luke rubbed Michael's back as the boy puked into the toilet.He was sobbing.

"I'm s-s-sorry Daddy I-im sorry "He sobbed.

"it's my fault.I made you eat too much.Im sorry I keep fucking up."Luke pulled the boy into his arms.

"I w-wanna be p-perfect for you"Michael mumbled.

"you are,kitten,you just need to put on a little more weight"


Hello! It's @youre-band-obsessed here!! Sorry it's short and boring. It's kinda a filler chapter. At lest you know a little more about Luke?! Anyway...hope you have a wonderful day!! Byeeee!!

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