Character Answers

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-Your an adorable kitten!Will you be my bestie and share clothes!

I-I d-don't think my c-clothes will fit you,'m too f-fat but s-sure!

-Are you okay Mikey?Are they taking care of you?Are you happy?Sorry that I'm saying so much,I just want you to be happy.

I-I'm better than b-before.They're taking r-really good c-c-care of m-me.I'm content.D-don't be s-sorry.I d-don't like p-people being s-s-sad

-Hey,I love you,your amazing,let's be friends,teach me how to be adorable.


E-everybody wants to be my f-f-friend.I'm n-not ador-adorable"

"YES YOU ARE"Calum shouts from behind the camera.

-Your beautiful never forget!!!

Y-you a-are too

-I love you!!!Wanna go see a p!atd concert together?

L-love you too, and o-only if my D-D-Daddies let me

-Your so cute!!!Are you happy?Also how are you so cute?

Sorry!!Can you guys adopt me?

'M not c-c-cute ,punk rock.I'm content.Too young to adopt I-I t-think

-In honesty who cuddles the best?Also eat little kitty I love you a lot

I don't w-wanna answer I-incase s-someone gets m-mad but it r-really depends w-where.Like on t-the c-couch D-Daddy Lukey does t-this things with h-h-his legs w-where he lets me l-lie between t-them.T-then in b-bed either Daddy Calum or Ashton b-because they h-hold me to their c-chest and it's w-warm.

I d-don't wanna e-e-e-e-eat but I have to f-or my Daddies.Want to m-make them h-appy.

-Hey beautiful,this isn't really a question but I really want you to know how stunning and gorgeous and adorable and beautiful in every way you are.Never Forget that Kitten.I Love you❤️
My actually question though is,can we cuddle sometime?I'm in need of one xx

-thankyou b-but I don't t-thing I am.You'll h-h-have to ask m-m-my daddies if we c-can cuddle.I hope you're o-okay.L-love y-you t-too.

-Teach me how to be a kitten

'M not a K-kitten *pouts*

-How are you so cute and adorable all time time?

W-why you a-alway l-l-lying *giggles*

Be mine!?!?😟

I l-l-like my daddies.S-sowwy

Did you know your adorable?

Y-You're *

"don't be rude"Luke scolded.


Have you alway stammered?

Only s-since I w-was 14.A-anxiety t-t-thing.

UMM I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU MAKE MY HEART HURT.BUT what's your favourite type of bear?Personal question LOL

Like a p-polar bear?I like polar bears.But maybe you meant b-b-beer.I don't d-drink b-beer,o-only w-when L-lukey was there.

Hey you're adorable and I love you and I think your really cute.*cuddles intensely*

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