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Michael woke up in Luke's arms still a little shaken up from what happened the week before but happy that they were back to normal.

Michael giggled at Luke's tired posture and leaned in really close to his face and screamed when Luke squished him into a bear hug.

Michael tried to lean away but Luke
held him close.

"I'm gonna hold onto you forever." Luke mumbled in his raspy morning voice.

Michael giggled and finally broke free as Luke pushed himself up with his shoulders.

"Was everything okay with Cal?" Michael asked, quietly.

Luke sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"He's not really talking to me." Luke said, a look of sadness evident on his face.

"I'm sorry." Michael whispered.


"I didn't know you guys loved me this much."

They looked up as a familiar sassy voice was heard from the door of the room.

"Cal." Luke said, voice a bit bitter.

Calum smiled at Luke.

"Did you apologize to Michael?" Calum questioned, crossing his arms.

"He did." Michael said.

"Okay. I love you, Luke." Calum laughed, kissing Luke on the cheek.

Luke grinned and pushed him on the arm.

Michael smiled at the sight.

"Daddies, can we go to the fair?" Michael asked eagerly.

Calum grinned.

"Of course, baby boy."

"Kitten,shit,okay don't do that"Calum groaned as Michael unknowingly grinded down onto his crotch.

"I-I was j-just trying to get c-c-comfy"Michael's bottom lip quivered.He didn't want to upset his Daddy.

"No Kitten,I'm not mad.It felt good,real good"Calum mumbled kissing under the boy's ear,sucking on the spot leaving a hickey.

Michael blushed,turning around to face Calum so he could burry his head into his neck.

Calum slowly trusted up,making Michael whimper as their two crotches rubbed against eachother.

"come on,Kitten,grind on me"Calum's thrusts got bigger and harsher

"B-but L-lu-"

"but nothing.I told you to do something and you better do it"Calum sucked a spot into his neck.

Michael hesitantly rose his hips before bringing them down again.His movements were small and shy but never the less pleasurable.

"shit"Calum groaned leaning his head back.Michael wished he was allowed to leave a Hickey on the beautiful tanned skin but he was too shy to ask so he just simply buried his head into his neck,breathing heavily.

"gonna cum princess?Huh?Gonna cum for me?"Calum breathed out.Michael body shook as he released into his panties.

Calum groaned loudly as he came into his boxers,gripping Michael's waist thightly.

"Thanks,Kitten"Calum smirked

"Will Lukey get mad again?"Michael mumbled.He didn't any anyone to be upset.


The boys burst through the door scaring Michael awake.

"we're going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship zooming through the sky,little Einstein"They say while laughing.

Michael was picked up off the bed making him squeak and cling onto Ashton's chest.

He buried his head into his neck,whimpering.They scared him.

"hey guys,stop I think we scared him"Ashton gently rubbed his back placing him back on to his bed.

Michael had a few tears slipping down his cheeks,only for them to be wiped away by Ashton's thumbs.

"Sorry ,princess"He kissed his head before placing and out fit out the bed.

"get dressed,we're going on an adventure"Ashton chuckled as Michael giggled.

A jumper was slipped over his head,with leggings pulled onto his legs.Before Michael could blink Ashton was already down on one knee tying the boy's shoe laces.

"Thankyou D-daddy"Michael mumbled only receiving a grin from Ashton

"Daddy!Look how pretty the candy floss looks.Its the colour of my hair"Michael gasps.

Within minutes Michael was happily munching on his purple candy floss not caring how many calories it was.

The four boy's walked past each stall,buying everything Michael even glanced at.

They had taken many pictures of the boy without him noticing.For safe keeping.For memories.

There wasn't many days where they boys would have a day off and not get mobbed by fans.Sure the occasional fan would come up to them asking to take a selfie with Michael too,leaving the boy flustered. Somebody even gave him a red jersey with 'Clifford 95' on the back.

He didn't know how they knew the year he was born in but he simply hugged her giving her a kiss on the cheek.He was affectionate.

As the four continued their date Ashton proceeded to win him a giant teddy bear after knocking down all the cans at the stall.The boys agreed that since Ashton did win it for him he just had to be called 'Mashton'.Of course Michael struggled to carry the teddy bear around,it being almost as tall has him,Calum jelled the teddy bear in his hands making sure not to dirty it.

Now,they were in line for the ferris wheel,Michael giggling as Luke kept pretending he wasn't eating candyfloss.

Michael only pouted before taking a handful and shoving it in his face next time he ducked down for some.

"You wanna get punished for that,baby girl?"Luke whispered into his ear before lighting sucking below his ear.

Michael squirmed before kissing the older boy lightly on the lips.

"Hey we're here too"Calum pointed out,pulling the boy into himself.

Once at the top of the Ferris wheel Michael gasped at the view.He could see the peek of their house over everything.It was spectacular.

Michael even got a passionate kiss from Ashton,who then whispered that they would continue later.Michael shivered,giggling slightly at the thoughts in his head.

Ashton held his had for the rest of day as Michael nibbled on even more candy floss.He could help but stare at his three dominants.

He was the happiest he ever felt in years.Years.


Mashton smut next chapter?Any small kink you want me to involve.

-s x

(P.s sorry this was rushed)

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