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"Drive faster!"

"Calum do you want me to get pulled over?What kind of headline would that be."Luke spat"Luke Hemmings beats up a guy and puts his best friends' life in danger.

"just shut up and drive"Ashton stopped their arguing.He held the boy in his arms staring down at his small bruised body.

Nobody in the world deserved this.It's disgusting.Any parent who lays a hand on their child should be put into jail for life never mind a parent who abuses and prostitutes their child.

His hands clenched into fist,scrunching up the jumper Luke was wearing,which happened to be Luke's.

Calum quickly reached over and placed his hand on Ashtons.

"you'll hurt him"He mumbled taking his hand off gently.Ashton sighed caressing the boy's face gently.He looked so peaceful and innocent

"I should have noticed there was something wrong.He was so scared I wasn't going to be gently"Luke's suddenly broke the silence."Fuck!"he shouted hitting the steering real.

They were used to Luke a bit on the short side of temper.Of course he never hurt them or anyone to be in fact.

A small gasp-like breath came from the boy in Ashton's lap.Another one.And suddenly the boy was choking,Ashton pulling him up to a sitting position.He covered his mouth with his hand,choking and coughing more until he stopped.

He shook with fear staring at the blood in his hand.The worst scenarios possible came into mind for all of the boys.

His breaths were wheezy and short and he grasped the left side of his chest.a few years slipped down his face.

"hu-"He wheezed quietley "Hu-"He tried again"Hurts"He finally made out.

"shh don't talk"Ashton mumbled."relax you'll be okay Kitten"

Luke parked the car and they Ashton ran out with the boy in his arms into the Emergency Departments.He was met with a nurse.

"What wrong with him?"She asked,signalling for a stretcher.

"he wasn't breathing until like 5 minutes ago and when he did he was coughing up blood"Ashton said panicked.

"straight into surgery"She told other nurses.

They wheeled the now unconscious boy away from the sight of the band in the doorway.

Beep Beep Beep

"Oh my god, what was his dad doing to him?"

Beep beep beep


"What?! He could be dead for all we- oh, god I'm gonna puke."

Michael heard the hushed voices of the boys and physically flinched as he heard Calum slam the door closed.

"Michael? Baby, please respond." He heard Ashton murmur.

Although it was painful to do so, Michael opened his eyes to stare into Luke's bright ones.

"Oh my god, Mikey." Luke croaked out, bringing him into a bone-crushing hug.

Michael winced but tried to smile,failing.

Luke finally let him go, sniffling and was next replaced by Ashton.

"Ash..." he whimpered.

Ashton hummed in acknowledgement and pulled back, already grinning.

"Is C-Calum o-o-okay?" Michael asked quietly,his eyes starting to regain their colour.


"He cried all night and he feels kinda sick. His, uh, his sister was abused by her boyfriend and she killed herself 8 months ago." Luke grimaced.

"He just cares about you is all." Ashton nodded, kissing Michael's cheek.

Michael felt terrible and felt tears well up in his eyes as Luke brought him into another hug.

He let the tears slide down his face.He didn't want to be a burden.He didn't understand why they cared so much.

Michael didn't know how long it was before the door swung open revealing Calum with dishevelled hair and swollen red eyes.

"Michael"He squeaked."I'm so sorry,my baby,I just I don't want you to do anything that would bring harm to you.I can't handle seeing someone go through what my sister went through."He ran a hand through his hair again.

Michael only nodded whispering a quiet "d-don't apologise"

Calum reached down to hug him,careful not to hurt him.He sat down on a spare chair beside the bed holding the boy's hand gently.

the comfortable silence was interrupted by a knock on the door before a doctor walked in.

"good evening Michael,I'm Dr.Hartridge"Michael nodded lightly.

"Let's lay down the cards,shall we?"He asked.The boys nodded."As you know Michael was unconscious for 24 hours.This was caused by the anaesthetic we had to give your for your surgery.You had a punctured lung,nothing we couldn't fix and a 6 broken ribs.we also want to diagnose you with Anorexia Nervosa and Anxiety"

"but you need to tell us about the bruises Michael"He said smiling apologetically.

Michael's heart monitor immediately sped up,his eyes darting to the boys.His body started shaking and his breaths wheezy again.

"no baby,Calm down it's okay,deep breaths"Calum murmured stroking his hair.

Michael looked back at the doctor shaking his head."C-c-can't"He stuttered out.

"We need to make sure your safe.We want the best for you"Dr.Hartridge smiled again.

It made Michael sick.Doctors don't care they just want to make you better so they have less work.His smile scared him.Too fake.

"Michael please"Luke mumbled.

"M-my Dad h-he-"

"abuses and prostitutes you.We just needed to hear you say it"the doctor cut him off

Michael cringed at the words.They made him feel so disgusting,so...worthless.

He whimpered,weakly burying his head into his hands and let out a quiet sob.The boys let him.A good cry was always good

It was another 20 minutes before he started to calm down,the doctor had already left,and the boys were comforting him.

"We want to talk to you about where you go when you leave the hospital,it won't be for another week or 2 but we just want you to be prepared"Ashton broke the silence.

Michael let out another broken sob and the thought of going back to his father.He couldn't.

"we want you to live with us"


hi soo im @simplycahlum and i wrote 1/3 of this chapter and all of the last one and we really hope you enjoy.
we'll try to update more often as long as you guys comment feedback, compliments, requests for updates, or just comments in general!! we love you all and hope you enjoy.

until next time,

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