chapter 7

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Drell took his seat and noticed that something was missing. "Skippy, where's Atticus?'

Skippy's eyes widened, he then shrugged as he continued to cook, pretending he didn't hear Drell.

"Skippy, I said 'where is Atticus'?" Drell firmly repeated.

Skippy then used the blender and put his hand to his ear to make it sound like he didn't hear that.

"WHERE IS HE?!" Drell yelled at Skippy.

Skippy winced, then pointed to the exit door.

"Why didn't you use your magic to stop him?!" Drell glared.

Skippy smiled nervously with a modest shrug.

"Get him back!" Drell glared.

Skippy saluted, but then his stomach growled as he looked rather hungry.

"No food for you until you get Atticus back!" Drell demanded as he took a violent bite out of his ham.

Skippy bowed his head and went to go after Atticus.

Atticus began to try to find his way back to his house. "Maybe it's this door..." he then came to one glowing door and opened it to see a puffy and cloudy paradise with a rainbow trail with a sign that said 'Fairy World' on it. "Nope."

"Ooh, a Wiccan." A green-haired fairy smiled.

"Oh, Cosmo, don't be silly, there wouldn't be a Wiccan in--" a swirly pink-haired fairy said before looking to catch a glimpse of Atticus. "Oh, my gosh!"

"Sorry, I'm trying to find the right door to the mortal world." Atticus said.

"Try the fifty-eighth door on the left down the hall." the pink-haired fariy replied.

"Fifty-eighth door?!" Atticus's eyes widened. "Isn't there a shortcut?"

"Well, yeah, but you'd have to wish for it if you were our godchild." the green-haired fairy said.

"Actually there is a shortcut to the door." The pink-haired fairy said.

"Ugh, forget it!" Atticus went to another door.

"What a strange creature..." the green-haired fairy said to his partner.

"Indeed, Cosmo." the pink-haired fairy agreed.

Atticus came into a gothic and dark area. "Mortal World?"

"Scary World." a stereotypical vampire replied.

"You're not that scary." Atticus deadpanned.

"Oh, yeah, take a look at this!" The vampire glared, showing him a picture.

"AAAUGH!" Atticus shuddered. "IT BURNS!"

Atticus then opened the door to a very hairy and tangly realm. "Mortal World?"

"Hairy World." a furry creature told him.

There was then a poof cloud and a cow with wings appeared. "Dairy World?"

"Hairy World." Atticus told the cow.

"Oh, darn it!" the cow pouted and disappeared.

Atticus groaned before closing the door.

After a while...

"Finally!" Atticus panted as he came through the door of what looked like his home's closet. "I'm in the... Linen closet...?" He then simply shrugged as he was happy to finally be back home.

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