chapter 6

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Jessica was lying in her bed, a little nervous. "Man, I almost messed up big time with Stephanie... Luckily, we got away with it this time... But why do I feel like something big's gonna happen at Stephanie's tomorrow?"

"Jessica, have you seen Atticus?" Patch asked.

Jessica looked over to him. "I thought he was with you?"

"He isn't in his room or in the backyard." Patch frowned.

"That can't be right..." Jessica frowned back. "Maybe he's in the bathroom?"

"Nope, the light's out..." Patch shook his head.

"Darla's room?" Jessica frowned.

Patch pouted.

"I-I-I'm sure he's fine..." Jessica smiled nervously, then took out the phone and called Cherry's house.

Cherry yawned and crawled into bed. "For the first time, I feel really sleepy..." she then batted her eyes before shutting them and started to snore, but then her eyes cracked open as her phone rang and she answered it. "Somebody better be dying!"

"Atticus isn't home!" Jessica said out of worry.

"Oh, how terrible..." Cherry yawned. "Let me know when you find him... K, thanks, bye..." she then tried to hang up.

"You must know where he is." Jessica said.

"I haven't seen Atticus since after school and when that fat guy took us into the other realm." Cherry yawned.

"You mean Drell?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, him..." Cherry yawned. "He said he wanted to see us about something, I thought he sent Atticus home after he sent me home."

Cherry then remembered where Atticus was going to be staying sense he looked sick.

"Anything else?" Jessica then asked.

"He was kinda nauseous on the way out," Cherry remembered. "He ate spinach... I don't blame him, that stuff is nasty."

"How did he eat it?" Jessica asked.

"He was gonna eat it with a spoon, but then that Drell guy made him chug it from the can like some animal." Cherry replied.

"That's why he looked nauseous, he shouldn't eat like that." Jessica said.

"That fatso told him to..." Cherry said before yawning.

"I know, I know, I guess we'll have to let him stay with Drell for a little while." Jessica said.

"Can I go back to sleep?" Cherry asked.

"Yeah, sorry, Cherry, you have a good night." Jessica said before then hanging up.

"Finally." Cherry sighed before hanging up and going back to bed.

Jessica then hung up and sighed. "I just hope Atticus will be okay spending the night with Drell."

"Is Drell really that bad?" Patch asked.

"He wasn't so bad when I was growing up, but when I became a teenager, he became a hassle," Jessica replied. "Especially when I became more boy crazy than focusing on my magical studies, he was mostly sore because of his wedding about 300 years ago."

"Wow." Patch said.

"He's really... Not the best..." Jessica shrugged, not sure how she could talk about Drell nicely. "I'm just praying that Atticus will be fine i nthe morning."

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