chapter 2

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Cherry and Atticus were in the living room now with Patch, playing an Atari 2600 game.

"I can't believe video games used to look like this..." Cherry scoffed at the blocky graphics.

"I can't believe it either, it's so boring." Atticus added.

"Why are we doing this?" Cherry mumbled.

"Everything looks like a square," Patch pointed to the screen. "Is that block supposed to be you?"

"I'd rather play the Legend of Zelda than this and I'm not even a Zelda fanatic." Cherry snorted.

"I'd rather play anything else than this." Atticus also snorted.

"I'd rather play Bubsy 3D." Cherry laughed.

"Bubsy 3D?" Patch asked.

"You do not wanna know..." Cherry warned.

"How bad can that game be?" Patch asked. "Is it Atari?"

"Playstation actually." Cherry replied.

"At least it would be better than this." Atticus said.

"Wanna bet?" Cherry dared.

"What do you mean?" Atticus asked.

Cherry then took out her phone, put in a Bubsy 3D video on YouTube and showed him a video of the game play.

"Yikes." Atticus said.

"Yeah..." Cherry replied.

"That's crazy!" Patch said. "I--" he then looked upstairs to see Jessica and Stephanie coming downstairs, so he turned his head and munched on his backside to look like a normal dog.

Stephanie kept a suspicious look towards the three of them.

"Hi..." Cherry looked over.

Atticus also waved to her. Stephanie glanced at them and then walked out the door to get herself home.

"Why did she look at us suspiciously?" Cherry asked.

Atticus shrugged.

"See you tomorrow, Steph!" Jessica called before shutting the door behind her and leaned against it in relief. "That was too close..." she then came over to Cherry, Atticus, and Patch. "Atticus, you've got to be more careful, Stephanie saw you using magic!"

"What?! How?" Atticus asked.

"She came back down to get one of her books, she must've saw you guys out the window." Jessica replied.

"Note to self: When doing magic training, make sure that all mortals that don't know that magic is real are not around or in the house." Atticus said.

"At least we didn't get in trouble for that." Cherry said.

"ATTICUS FUDO, YOU ARE IN DANGER OF EXPOSING YOUR FAMILY'S SECRET!" a booming voice called and then there was a puff of smoke and a familiar warlock appeared.

"Drell!" Jessica gasped and gave a quick curtsy, then came to the warlock's feet, took his hand and kissed his knuckle.

"Um... Have we met?" Cherry asked the warlock.

"I am Drell, Head of the Witches Council." the warlock introduced himself.

Cherry cupped her mouth and snickered slightly.

"Cherry, trust me; this guy is strong and I mean stronger than me." Atticus whispered.

Cherry kept laughing.

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