chapter 3

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The next day in the high school...

Jessica came into her school's hallway, then went int othe school's cellar and came to a magical door to a classroom which was hidden from mortal eyes.

"Ah, good old magic class." Jessica smiled. She walked in and took her seat with the other students in the class until the teacher would come in to educate on how to use their magic wisely.

"Where does Jessica go after gym class?" Stephanie wondered as she was in the locker room, getting dressed into her other clothes and out of her gym uniform.

Stephanie hoped she would get her answer soon, meanwhile, Cherry and Atticus were given a new student in their class.

"Everyone, this is Sabrina Spellman," the teacher introduced the blonde girl. "Sabrina, would you like to tell us something about yourself?"

The blonde girl shrugged. "Um... I used to live with my parents until they divorced, and now I live with my aunts, Hilda and Zelda, and their cat."

"Hello, Sabrina." The class smiled.

"Anything else you'd like to say, Sabrina?" the teacher asked. "What do your parents do?"

"Uh, well, my mom's an archaeologist and I don't know what my dad does..." Sabrina shrugged. "I havent' seen him since I was ten."

"Um, thank you, Sabrina, you may sit down now..." the teacher said.

Sabrina then walked over and sat down in a seat between Cherry and Atticus.

"Hey, I didn't know you two went to school here." Sabrina smiled at Atticus and Cherry.

"Small world." Atticus and Cherry said.

Sabrina smiled and seemed to feel a little bit better about being the new kid in this school. Atticus smiled, happy that Sabrina felt a little bit better. The day was not the best for Sabrina, but it got a little bit better since she had Cherry and Atticus with her and they decided to spend some time with her after school today.

"Okay, Dad, I'm gonna be going home with Jessica today," Stephanie said as she used the school payphone to call home. "She'll be coming over for dinner tomorrow."

"That's great, Steph, I hope you have a wonderful time there." Her father's voice smiled.

"Thanks, Dad, see you at 8:00." Stephanie smiled back and hung up before she went to class.

Jessica came back up from the cellar and closed the door behind her.

"Jessica, were you just in the school cellar?" Stephanie gave her friend an odd look.

"Yeah, so?" Jessica asked.

"Why were you in there?" Stephanie asked.

"Um... I was helping the janitor..." Jessica replied. "Come on, let's get some lunch, I hear there's cheese dogs."

"Okay?" Stephanie said, slightly odded out.

"Come on, let's go!" Jessica said and ran off to the cafeteria.

"What are you hiding, Jessica Fudo?" Stephanie asked herself before catching up with her friend.

The rest of the day of school soon went by fast. Stephanie took Jessica's bus home and they were on their way to start their family projects and the first night would be Stephanie staying for dinner at the Fudo house and tomorrow, Jessica would have dinner at the Tanner house.

"I can't wait to start." Stephanie smiled.

"Same here, this is gonna be quite the learning experience." Jessica smiled back once school was out.

Jessica and the Full HouseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz