Chapter 15

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My curled hand hovered just inches from knocking on the Avengers' tower door.

I don't think my legs have shook so much in my life. I've been standing here in this exact position for the past ten minutes. No lie.

Some people that passed by me stopped to ask if I was okay, and I would answer with 'yeah' or 'I'm fine' or simply just nod my head.

I was scared. I was an Avenger and I'm too scared to knock on the door and apologize. Wimp, the voice inside my head said, just do it, you bum. I actually cringed. "Rude," I muttered out loud.

A few more minutes passed and I finally moved.

I turned around.

My leg moved to take a step further away from the tower when the door opened. I froze, making me lose balance and almost fall on my face, but I quickly regained it and stoop firm on the ground.

"Savannah?" It was Bruce.

I was both relieved and afraid. I was relieved because I thought it was going to be Natasha. I was afraid because I knew I now had to go inside and apologize. He couldn't have opened the door when I was gone?

I spun around and gave him a weak smile. "Hey, Bruce."

He closed the door behind him. "What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked, and he just gave me a look. I rolled my eyes. "I wanted to apologize."

"I don't think right now's the time." He said.

"When is the time then, Bruce?" I questioned, suddenly getting pissed off. I came to apologize to him and he tells me he needs time to cool off? "If I don't do it now then they'll be more angry later."

He sighed, then shook his head. Bruce turned around and opened the door wide, stepping back to let me in. I glanced at him and then took a deep breath, walking inside.

The tower looked the same, and I then felt guilty all over again. How could I possibly leave this place?

To control your powers so you won't kill any of them idiot, my inside voice answered. I nodded. Right, that's why.

"I'll go get everyone," said Bruce and then he walked upstairs.

I rubbed my hands together, feeling it get clammy and sweaty as I stepped into the living room, sitting down in a chair next to the couch. I heard faint yelling from upstairs and my head dropped down into my hands.

They don't want to see me. They don't want me to apologize. I should've never came.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps come into the room. I picked my head up to see Thor. I was surprised he was here, but glad. He avoided my presence completely, walking over to stand next to the couch, crossing his arms.

Then the rest of the Avengers came piling in, some sitting on the couch and some standing. I wish I could say they looked at me at least once, but I'd be lying.

The room soon became so quiet you could hear everyone's breathing. I looked at Bruce, who was the only one looking back at me. He nodded, and I sighed, standing up.

I cleared my throat, my heart beating so loud I was sure they could all hear it. "I'll just get straight to the point since I'm not welcomed here anymore." I said, and let out a breath. "I came to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I lied to all of you. I'm sorry that I didn't stay. I'm sorry that I left unexpectedly. I'm sorry you had to see me with the X-Men at the fight two days ago. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry you had to look at me in disappointment."

I decided to apologize for not just what they were mad at me for, but for everything that I felt inside. I had too much to apologize for and I figured this would be the perfect time to tell them. "I'm sorry I'm not a fast learner. I'm sorry Nick brought me to you suddenly. I'm sorry you couldn't get Thomas instead of me. I'm sorry I have a sarcastic mouth. I'm sorry you didn't like me at first, Tony. I'm sorry that I killed Kl'rt without knowing it. I'm sorry I didn't know about my powers. I'm sorry that I'm a mutant. I'm sorry that my father is the Wolverine. I'm sorry that I can't protect you because I can't control these goddamn powers. I-I'm s-s-sorry."

And that was it. I broke down in tears, falling back into the chair. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I just couldn't help it. Why couldn't I just get my crappy life back?

I wiped my tears hastily, trying to get rid of them. "I-I really am sorry, you guys. I didn't mean for it to go this way. I just don't want to lose the family I love. Losing you guys was the worst mistake I ever made."

I stopped crying finally. Wiping the last bit of tears, I looked around the room to see everyone was now looking at me. I stood up.

"Anyway, that's what I wanted to say. I'll let myself out." I said, walking out of the living room.

I opened the front door and closed it behind me once I stepped outside. I leaned on the door, letting out a deep breath. I did it.

Then I left to go back to the mansion.


Authors Note: hEY GUYS, ITS SUMMER!!!!! Anyway, Savannah apologized! Do you think the Avengers should've said something to her before she left? Do you think she'll be back? Do you think Savannah made the right choice, apologizing to them? Tell me your thoughts!

See you guys next chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! :)


The Decision (An Avengers/X-Men Crossover Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now