Chapter 13

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I couldn't comprehend what was happening. My face was expressionless. My mind was blank. My body was still. I couldn't speak. All I could do was look at all of my friends' morose and disappointed faces.

"W-What are you doing here?" Thomas asked me, like a whisper, as if he didn't want to believe that I was here, right in front of him.

"Why are you here?"  Natasha followed up, the same tone and expression.

"I-I-uh," I couldn't speak; I was speechless. I was in shock.

This isn't real, I kept telling myself.

But the longer I stared at my friends' faces, the more my head kept telling me that this was real. My friends were here. I got up from the hard floor and stood on wobbly legs. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. How could I tell my friends - no, family -  that I lied to them and went to the X-Men for help instead of them?

"We'll discuss this later," Steve announced, avoiding my eye, and I couldn't help but feel like someone had just stuck a needle in my chest. I never knew Steve could be so disappointed in me. "We need to stop Megatak and Medusa. Avengers assemble!"

They all ran past me, not one looking at me in the eye as they did so. Once they started to attack, I watched as the X-Men stopped and stared. They all simultaneously looked at me and gave me a what-the-hell-are-they-doing-here look.

I shook my head and ran forward to help them when something wrapped around my waist, pulling me backwards. I yelped as I was being pulled back, and let out a big gasp when whatever was doing it stopped. The thing was still wrapped around me, and I noticed it was red. It looked like . . . hair?

"Terabyte," said a female voice.

I looked up and saw Medusa was standing in front of me, half her red hair spiraled into a pile on the ground and the rest around my waist, not letting me move an inch.

"Medusa," I mocked. She had a tight dark pink and violent outfit on. She wore a mask that covered half of her face, letting her green eyes pop out.

"I've heard so much about you, Savannah." She said my name with emphasis, as if she wanted that to affect me. It didn't. I didn't have a costume yet, so basically everyone knew who I was. I guess I didn't need a costume. But it would be cool . . .

"And I you," I said back to her, trying to make small talk until I got the right moment to hit her. "You used to have history with the Fantastic Four, right? Wow, that's . . . that's big. I mean, that's probably bigger than the Avengers."

You probably know I'm lying by this point, right?

Well, you should. Nothing is bigger than the Avengers. (No offense Fantastic Four.)

"Now, let me ask you a question." I continued, surprised at how stupid she must be to be listening to someone like me. I could stall for hours. "Why the hell is someone like you hanging around someone like Megatak? I mean, him? Nobody knows who he is!"

"I have to, I—wait." She stopped herself. Then she narrowed her green eyes at me. "I know what you're doing. You're stalling! How could I be so stupid—"

"I really don't know how anyone would fall for that—" I started but then Medusa's red silky hair moved and tangled itself around my throat and squeezed. My voice cracked as I was trying to gasp for air.

"I won't let you make a fool of me." said Medusa, and if it wasn't for the hair choking me, I would've made a very sarcastic comeback.

My eyes started to close and my body stilled. If it wasn't for what happened next, then I would probably have knocked out.

The Decision (An Avengers/X-Men Crossover Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora