Chapter 12

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"How's your parents?"

I hesitated. For a moment, I totally forgot that I lied to Natasha and my other friends about going to the X-Men for help. Once again, I felt that pang in my chest of guilt.

"Oh, they're fine." I spoke into the phone, hoping I didn't sound like I was telling a lie, which I was.

"That's good." said Natasha. "And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"How are you?" She rephrased.

"Uh, I'm okay. Great, actually." I said.

"What got you so happy today?" Natasha chuckled.

I smiled, thinking of how my relationship with my father finally went in the right direction. "Nothing. It's just a good day."

I decided to change the subject so she wouldn't ask me more questions. "How's everyone back home?"

"They're all right. We all miss you." She told me. "Steve and I went to the mall this week, and we heard someone call your name. I could've sworn I saw someone just like you."

She laughed and I chuckled nervously, as yet another pang of guilt and hatred towards myself hit me. "I miss you guys too. A lot."

"Do you know when you're coming back?"

I sighed. "I don't know yet. Hopefully soon."

"Okay." She said sadly. "I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, all right?"

"Yeah." I said and she hung up.

I put my phone on the night stand and sighed a deep sigh. Everyday, either Natasha or Thomas calls me to check up on things and - mostly - to see if I knew when I am coming back. I always said I didn't know. It felt like I was a recorded message. That's all I told them: I don't know. And yet, they still haven't given up. They still call, and they still ask. If I were them, I would've thought that that person was trying to ignore me. But I know that's not true, and I know that my friends know it too.

But I keep wondering . . .

When am I going to go back home?

* * *

Almost there . . .

I concentrated hard on the pile of books in front of me. It was stumbling while floating in the air, a few feet away from the bookcase. I was trying to get it to fit inside without dropping them.

Just a few more-

A bell broke my concentration and the pile of books in the air fell onto the floor with a thud. I closed my eyes, cleared my mind of all the angry thoughts, and stood still, just like Bruce taught me.

When I finally became calm, I realized the stupid bell was still ringing. But it wasn't the bell that indicated class was over, it sounded like an alert bell.

My door suddenly burst open and Scott rushed in, his face - of which I can tell - was in worry.

"What?" I asked.

The Decision (An Avengers/X-Men Crossover Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora