Chapter 14

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My fingers tapped the screen of my phone in a bored manner. My chin was in my free hand as I stared at my phone with droopy eyes. When the bird dropped on the ground, I sighed and shut my phone off, throwing it aside. I didn't even know why I was playing the damn game. All it made me think about was Thomas.

I laid my head back, resting on the soft pillow. I stared at the white ceiling above me, my mind blank. I didn't know how long I stayed there, my eyes still and not moving, but it must've been for a while because I heard my notification alarm from my phone. I turned my head and saw a Flappy Bird notification and it read Flappy Bird misses you! Come and play!

For a split second, the message said Thomas instead of Flappy Bird. I blinked and it was gone. Shaking my head, I threw my phone away from me, hearing it fall on the floor with a thud. I could care less if it cracked at this point.

That's when the voices came back.

Cyclops was right. You're a monster.

You aren't one of us.

I was so stupid in to thinking you were my teammate, my friend.


The knock on the door made me sit up with a start, suddenly wondering where I was. I crushed my head with my hands, afraid I was seriously going crazy.


To say I wasn't surprised it was Bobby knocking on my door would have been a lie.

"Hey, you in there?" He didn't even wait a full second for a response. "Okay, guess nobody's home."

I opened the door just as he was going to leave. He sighed when he heard the door open and turned around. He gave a fake smile. "Heeeey, there she is." he said.

"Why are you here?" I asked simply. "It's obviously you don't care about my feelings enough to actually act like you do."

"Kitty made me come and check up on you." He said. "And that's not true. I do care."

I raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Yeah, sure you do."

Bobby rolled his eyes. "Well," he said when he caught me just staring at him, "can I come in?"

I rolled my eyes this time and opened the door wide enough to let him in. He slowly walked inside, looking around.

"Books? Really?" He gave me a look. "Where's the video games?"

"I'm sorry if I'm too busy saving the world to be playing Call of Duty." I replied.

"Yet you have time to be reading?" He retorted.

I shrugged. "Fair enough."

I sat on my bed, watching as Bobby continued to look around my room. He finally stopped and stood in the middle of the room like an idiot.

"You can sit down. I'm not gonna bite." I told him and he hesitantly sat down on the bed next to me.

"Are you gonna say something or is this going to continue being awkward?" I asked and he cleared his throat.

"Sorry." He said and rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know what to say."

"How do you do it?" I suddenly blurt out.

Bobby gave me a confused look. "Do what?"

"Do...the ice thingy." I said, gesturing to his hands.

The Decision (An Avengers/X-Men Crossover Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now