Cyanιde love ❤️✨

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Hey everyone I'm Allison Markia Lee But my friends call me JuJu. So I'm JuJu to y'all too lol. I'm 4'11 , nice body , medium thick curly hair , and I'm African American and Korean 😁 what a mix huh? Yasss I know . I have a 2 year old daughter, she's my world her name is Armyiah Joy Ross. I'm a nurse, I work in the hospital with sick babies. I'm from Richmond Virginia , but I'm thinking about moving soon, I don't want my baby girl growing up in this hood ass city I grew up in, I want nothing but the best for my child. Yes I am a single mother, I haven't seen the father of my child in about 3 years. I'm not really tripping though because I get plenty of help from family and friends if needed.

 Cyanide Love ❤️✨Where stories live. Discover now