Hating me isn't hard after all

Start from the beginning

"What did I do? I never told-"

"My dad came across the video of you oh-so gracefully punching me! I didn't even know about it and whatever chances I had with-" He pursed his lips and shut up abruptly, leaving me baffled. "Stay out of my way, Parker." He growled and stomped out as I glared in thin air.

I was suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling of crying it all out and I did the sanest thing, I could think of. I asked Coach Andrew for an out from practise. One look at my face and he let me go.

I went home and treated myself with a hot shower, comfy PJs and Cookie dough ice cream. My phone screeched and I felt like throwing it away because of constant texts from Alex, but thank god I saw the caller first.


It was a Facetime request. I accepted it in a second, needing some comfort.


"Hey, squi-" he stopped when he eyed the ice cream in my hand. "What's wrong?"

Asher must have heard the word wrong as he scrambled and pushed Aiden's face away to see me.

I chuckled at that.

"Who are we supposed to kill? Name it Astrid-bear and their dead body will be under your feet in an hour."

I couldn't help but laugh and give him a huge grin for that.

"Kill yourselves then." He looked confused.

"Care to elaborate?" Aiden asked, baffled.

"I miss both of my idiots!" I fell on my bed against my back and dangled my phone in air to chat properly as they chuckled and their side of visual vibrated because of their laughter.

I smiled seeing them smile and laugh because of me. They are my home. Who needs a soul mate when you've your first love in your brothers and dad?

"Remember the time when I used to call you both Aiden-man and Asher-clown?"

Aiden chuckled at the memory of my 8 year old self looking at him like he was god himself when he caught me from falling off a tree and broke his own arm in the process. While Asher glared when my nickname as it reminded him of the time when he coloured his front teeth- black, using a marker, all because I felt horrible without my recently fallen one.

Yup. They love me that much.

Time drifted and we kept laughing and reliving our beautiful childhood. I almost wished to go back and free myself from people and their complexity but then I realised that no matter how much I grew up, I am still the same 8 year old when it comes to my brothers, who are more than willing to risk everything in their possession to keep me at peace.


"Psst, are you free today?" I whispered to Rose as Mr Smith kept on drawling about amoebas.

"If you're asking me out, then I am sorry to disappoint you but I am most definitely into boys."

I rolled my eyes. "More like into my brother."

She glared at me but I didn't miss the faint blush dusted across her cheeks that made me smirk.

"Why? Anything I should know about?" I gave her a sheepish smile and scratched my ear.

"I kind of need your help. I don't know a thing about shopping and I need to buy dresses and all the jazz that goes with them. I have to go to a business dinner tomorrow, with dad."

She nodded in understanding and grinned at me.

"Sure. I would love to help. Pick you up at 5?"

I nodded in gratefulness. Dad informed me over breakfast that the dinner was re-scheduled. Apparently, this new business relation is very crucial and beneficial for dad's editorial as his new partners are owners of sport apparel company- Athelon. They are ready to sponsor and promote dad's magazine- The Team.

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