chapter one & two.

Start from the beginning

later when I had a little rest,   I saw Ammi still there with me.
"farida!! " I called out.
"calm down my son, she's not here " I heard Ammi saying  and I felt a sudden stroke in my heart.
This isn't a dream after all.
" But how are you here Ammi " I asked.
"You called yesterday night , blabbing something about farida leaving with najwa, at first I thought it was a prank but I felt the sadness and pain in your voice which said everything" she stated but paused before continuing " you kept weeping but it was too late that's why we came here this morning".


third person's p.o.v

Mrs. farouqi (ammi) got a call from a devasted Abid telling her that farida her daughter-in-law has left him along side her grand daughter.
she was so shocked that she couldn't think straight.
The next morning after hundred attempts of trying to reach  farida's mobile,  she went to her parents house for answers.

Deep down she was hoping to see farida there,and to find out that everything Abid said was big misunderstanding   but  her hopes died when she could not find her there.
After explaining what happened, farida's parent became surprise as well and set free all ties between them and their only daughter because she has aboundon them also.
"it seems farida has changed her mobile line" said farida's mother after trying the line herself . She didn't argue with her inlaws because both her and her husband have witnessed a change of behavior in their recently but took it lightly.
Indeed they made a huge mistake by not confronting their daughter of her odd behaviours or sensing something as big as this might happen.
Farida's parent console Mrs .farouqi.
she left there and meet Ruba in the car (abids younger sister and best friend ),
whom drove her to Abid's house where they found Abid on the floor in the kitchen with swollen face which suggests he has been crying all night. With the help of Ruba Mrs. farouqi took Abid to his room.

3 month after the event Abid still isn't getting over farida, he took out his trouser and a note fell off, it was the one farida had left , he took it and re read it .,

"salam Abid i know what am about to say will surprise you, and even hurt you but truth be said. Am leaving, am leaving along with my daughter. I feel suffocated when am with you,  I need air to breath and live life my way .
with you around, I can't get just that.
Please do not border to look for me, because by the time you are reading this am long gone and untraceable.Take care of your self , And please help me say goodbye to my parents because I can't face any of you now, and I took a blank cheque of yours with me . With love Farida ".

As Abid read the note he felt his heart breaking all over,how could someone look like an angel and behave like a demon he thought , indeed the devil was once an angel.
He took out a lighter from his pocket and set the note ablaze.

A week later abid decided to go through his mails ,he saw new mails in his mail box and decided to check them up, as he opened them one after the other , he saw some with irrelevant news others with relevant one's .
one was from work so he decided to check, he found out that he was fired for not turning up at work and had no leave.
to my surprise Abid didn't even care ,
what could  be worse than farida's deed.
He kept checking the rest of the mails and saw an alert from his bank that 50 million has been withdrawn, Abid was shock farida has not just left him but she took his life and wealth along with her.
then why go into the trouble of marriage with him if all she needed was his money he thought.

A devasted Abid called his younger sister to tell her about loosing his job but to his surprise she was aware, a letter arrive from his office while they were at his house but she decided to keep it away from him because it would make things only worse.
Abid smiled to having a caring family and ended the call.
He continues to stay in dismay for the next 2weeks without receiving or making any calls.
He excluded his self from the rest of the world. What's there to live for?, he thought.
Abid was so heart broken that he stayed each day home doing nothing but falling apart,
Mrs. farouqi and ruba have had enough and decided to admit him into a rehabilitation center. Abid must have really loved farida deeply to be this ruin.

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