Chapter eleven

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    seeing badia in najwa's room reminded me of how awful I treated her when she came last, I felt guilty and shame. when she asked if she could come in, I knew she hasn't  forgotten. I felt terrible but I can't fall apart so I just said Sure, feeling disgusted towards my own action.

badia and I went to our room. After hearing badia out and her long preaching I decided she's right I have to talk to farida.
farida must be grateful of badia I thought as I exit the room. before going to the farida's room I decided to first stop at the patio to get a rose flower. as I entered the patio I started reminiscing .

"What are you doing here ",I yelled.
"Who gave you the permission to enter in here "
A startled Badia started crying , with a  stammering voice. She tries to explain herself, ' I. .. w..a...s"
:Get out", I yelled.
Badia almost fell trying to run out of the patio.
"Stop !!", I shouted.
"Never come in here, it's meant for people whom matters ", with that I dismissed her.
She left crying.

I could feel tears running down my cheeks from the flash back.

I must have been terrible,  I treated her very badly and yet she's here. she's supporting me.  I stood there regretting every action I have committed, the night was getting old.
I stood remembering why I was there and then recalled . I plug two rose flowers a yellow and a white one. One for badia and for farida.

I went straight to farida's room thinking she's asleep

but to my surprise when I pushed the room I saw her awake sitting on her bed staring at her hand which was full of hair , she was weeping. I sat near her and held her hands in mine she was startled I guess she hadn't notice me come in.

"Farida I get It , and am sorry for blocking you out earlier . I get you have a disease, what I didn't get is why you left when you  clearly needed help" then I remembered the promise we made to each other along time ago.
"farida you vow to always make me happy even at the expense of yours, you told me you would rather die seeing me happy than leaving me sad, I guess that's what you did. I finally understood and it's okay I have forgiven you farida". I told her and I could see a different look in her eye , it was hope. I saw hope.

I have finally given her hope.

farida hugged me and I hugged her back. "Thanks for understanding and forgiving me " whispered farida.

"Now tell me , has your cancer gotten this bad, i can see stripes of hair everywhere".

"yes Abid it has"

"Actually it was worst, then I began to respond to treatment, I was improving then all of a sudden it started deteriorating. ABID I was then diagnosis with leukemia.  ABID and now", she started sobbing.
"And now what " I asked , comforting her.
"I  have two cancer now, lungs and blood. The doctor said it would be a miracle if I live" sobs farida.

"oh poor farida you went through all this alone. It must be awful".
Things will be better I assured her, tears was escaping my eyes betraying me.

knowing I would really loose her saddens me.

"what's that ", farida asked reaching out for the white rose in my hand and trying to change the sad conversation.

"No this not for you. , Am not here to say Sorry , so I won't give you an apology rose,  actually I didn't know which colour of rose would suit the situation.  but I got you a yellow one  " I said as I stretch my hand.

Fellow means friendship,  I guess this my way of forgiving her and sorting for a friend in her.

she took the rose and thank me.

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