epilogue Ia.

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I was watching  a movie on the TV screen when Ruba came looking sad.
It is so unlike her to be sad or where it around.
Something must be up?.
Getting off the sofa I trailed behind Ruba.
"Hey, what's up with you " she looked at me remorseful and shook her head.
"Boys problem? " I asked curious.
In All my 32 years of living i have never seen Ruba this sad.
She turned on her waterworks.
Just when she opened her mouth to say something,  I had Badia's voice, hollering at the top of her voice.
Panicking,  I left Ruba , not before catching a barely audible "sorry".
I meet Badia on my way to her.
"Farida is unconscious ".
Badia was crying.  I felt sad.
But I have to be strong for my family.
I took baby faree in my arms and rushed towards our driveway with badia trailing behind.
"Subhanallah , is she ok" asked Ammi whom appeared in front of us.
Badia's state gave her all the answer she needed.
" It's ok, she is going to be fine, she has to " I tried to sooth badia.
Ammi also tag along.
Once we entered the car, I placed faree near Ammi at the back seat and started the car.

After waiting outside the I. C.U, for what felt like forever,  the Doctor finally came out.
I said  a brief "Alhamdulillah". I don't think I could have survived another time out here, knowing nothing.

When the doctor reached  us.,
Everyone stood giving the doctor their full attention.
"Who are the child's parents" asked the doctor.
"It's me, me "  said Badia getting impatient.
"We are the parent"  i said as calm as he could possibly be.
Even though only I know how dreading it feels to be here not knowing if she will be ok or not.
"Can I speak to you both privately ?" asked the doctor.
"No , we are all family , just say it..." i said.
"Farida.... it's she ok " yelled Ruba running towards us. She had tear stains all over my cheeks like Badia does.
Ruba was still dressed in her pj's.

My  attention divided towards her and the doctor.
Badia kept sending her glares,  if look could kill, Ruba would be dead by now.
But what's between the two?.
Ruba feeling remorseful earlier,  Badia looking as if she's ready to kill her any moment now.
Oh my God!.

"She will be, now get back home so when najwa returns from school , she won't be lonely finding no one home. And ask the cook to make chocolate pudding for najwa" said Ammi.

Ruba nodds and turns to leave, as we turn back giving the doctor our full attention once again.

"Sorry , you were saying ? " i Asked the doctor.
"We are all the same , go on " .
"Ok follow me to my office the lots of you" said the doctor.
We all followed him as he closes the door behind us.
We all sat across him as he speaks.

"You are Muslims right ?"asked the doctor.
Isn't that already clear.
"Yes we are , we all are " i said.

"Any situation a servant finds him self he should be greatful, I want you to have complete trust in Allah and know that whatever I tell you is the will of Allah and it's his test to you.
I want you to accept it and by Allah do not blame your self for it",
"Oh no,no"  said badia shaking her head.
The Doctor is f****g scaring her.
What sort of a Doctor is he?.
I hugged her and she  started crying staining  my shirt .

Doctor stop d***king around I almost utter but I controlled my tongue.
"Doctor please stop faffing and tell us what's happening".
"Your daughter is...., "said the doctor and I could feel badia's heart beating hard.
I place my hand on her back, caressing it to make her feel better.

Everything has been going smoothly in our life, all evil eyes has been cast away.
Everything has fallen in place then suddenly, this....
The thought of any harm coming to Fareeeda breaks my heart.
I must be strong at least for my family,
As the man in the family I must show no weaknesses.
I pulled my self together and swallowed all my pain,
"Doctor you are saying ?" , I asked pretending to be stable, but deep down am worried as hell.

Najwa and Fareeeda are the two only children I have and I will do whatever it takes to see them ok.
Ya Allah please help I supplicate to my lord.

Mending a broken heart.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ