chapter fifteen

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****my version of Abid and badia*****

P.s- catch a thief, Not his heart

the next day , Abid woke me up ,

My eyes widen seeing him holding a tray of food,

Abid has made breakfast for me.

It's pancakes with strawberries and hot chocolate . "uhmm tasty " I complimented him.
Lately I have been living a fairytale.
"You know this henna really looks good on you..."said Abid.

I rolled my eyes as he kisses my henna.

"how long have you been away" I asked as I put a strawberry into his mouth.

"just long any enough" said Abid with a full mouth.

"Now, that's a bad manner to talk with your mouth full "I scold Abid.

He smiled shyly.

"I have to go, am late for work" , said Abid as he kisses my forehead.

"farewell dear", I bade him bye still sitting in my exact position enjoying my breakfast.

After breakfast I went to najwa's room who's all set for school.

"Hey najwa" I greeted.
before I could say anything else I felt her hold me tight.

"I miss you mum".

"mum " my eye's widen I mean she called me mum, she see's me as her mum.

"Am sorry, are you mad I called you mum" asked innocent  najwa getting disppointed and dragging me back to reality.

"No , child I miss you too" I lean kissing her forehead.

"mum said to call you mum, that you are my mum also" she said.

"You know,  I really missed you this pass few days mum " said najwa.

"I missed you too najwa. All I do was think about you " even when I was there najwa bringing a smile on najwa's face.

I couldn't process this all in one day.

"look what I brought you", I handed a chocolate bar to najwa.

she was so happy that she was jumping up and down.

Now put on your bag pack you are getting late.

"ok mum" , beamed  najwa grabbing her bag pack.

honestly it sounds weird been called mum, I guess I have to get use to it.

"Is aunt Ruba taking you to school" I asked najwa.

"Nope, she said she would be out all day, that she is going to pick someone important so she asked the driver to take me" she explained .

I hanged on the word someone special, that's a first .

I felt intrigue and curious.

you little smart girl, Now go before you get late. I kissed her forehead and waved her .

I smile seeing how kissing my forehead has become Abids daily routine.

My cheeks started to turn pink just on the thought of him, my husband.

I took launch to farida.
she was laying down on the bed looking helpless . she looked pale, she looked like life is being pulled out of her with every breath she took.

I sat by the bed, getting her medicine from her nurse and dismissing the nurse.

I gave her , her med and feed her.

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