Her expression changed from annoyance to angry. "Seriously?" She walked toward me, arms still crossed. "I should finish packing up the dining room." I had several tall bookshelves full & it looked like she had started emptying them into boxes. 

"I have plenty of time to pack stuff up." 

"I'm aggravated. I need to keep busy when I'm aggravated." 

I sighed, smiling. "Why are you aggravated? Do you not like parties?" 

Olivia spun around to glare at me. "Your ex girlfriend is going to be the maid of honor & that means you will be walking down the aisle with her, slow dancing with her, sitting with her, laughing with her, having trips down memory lane with her...." she ended her rant with a tiny growl.  

I couldn't help to laugh. She was kinda sexy when she ranted. It didn't happen very often, but when it did, I found her irresistible. I went to her & put my arms around her waist. "I will also be slow dancing with you & making new memories with you & hopefully having slutty wedding sex with you." I kissed her lips, tenderly.  

She sighed underneath my mouth & put her arms around my neck. "So I don't need to be worried?" 

I shook my head. "Not at all. I am with you. I love you. I am over Demi." 

Olivia smiled & kissed me again. "Let me finish filling this one box & then I will meet you in the shower." 

"Okay, but you need to hurry." I touched the tip of her nose with my finger & gave her a wink before I headed upstairs to shower. Olivia never joined me in the shower, so after I dried off & dressed I went back downstairs. She was sitting at the dining room table looking through a notebook. "Whatcha doing?" I sat down in the chair next to her. 

"Found this." She pushed the book to me. It was one of my songbooks, that I used to write my songs in. It was several years old & I hadn't looked in it for a long time. "Great songs." Her eyebrow was raised a little. 

"Thanks. Why do you look upset?" 

"Read it." She pointed to the page that was open. 

I read the song that was written on the page. It was a song Demi & I wrote together, called 'I Do." We wrote it for Kevin & Dani & had planned to perform it for them at their wedding, but changed our minds. We didn't want the night to be about us. The memory from that night we wrote that song, came rushing back. It was a night full of laughs & of course emotions that neither of us knew the other had. I had Demi in mind when I wrote some lines & Demi had me in mind. We didn't share that information for many years later, but when we did, there were some tears as well. We even talked about maybe playing it at our own wedding one day. "What about it?" I asked Olivia. 

"You & Demi wrote that song together?" 

I nodded. "We have written a lot of songs together, Liv." 

"Nick, she was the love of your life." Olivia's voice was quiet. 

"Was being the operative word." I smiled at her. "Olivia. You have nothing to worry about." 

She sighed again, then pouted. "I guess being cheated on by my ex has me paranoid. I'm sorry. I will try to stop thinking you are going to cheat on me. Promise me you will never cheat on me." She took my hands in hers.  

My stomach turned as I recalled the several times I slept with Demi after I had gotten together with Olivia. I cheated on her & she never found out. I felt terrible about it, but I couldn't take it back. I just stopped contact with Demi for a while. I took a deep breath & tried to keep my eyes on Olivia as I said, "I promise you, from this day on, I will never cheat on you." 

Heart & Soul Forever (Book 3 in Nemi Forever Series)Where stories live. Discover now