22: Everything will be alright

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I went home after and I was regretting my decisions already even though I haven't done anything yet. Declan being in a gang had never crossed my mind. Heck even me joining a gang did. What happened was all unexpected.

"I'm home!" I announced. And I was met with silence. Usually, Eric would be screaming at the T.V, blasting musics or watching a movie. And mom would be at the kitchen making dinner if she goes home early from work. But it was so silent, it's cutting through my skin.

I went to the living room and saw that no one was there. I looked around again and no one was here. Where could they be at this time?

Then I remembered what happened with Eric and Justin. He's probably with Keeley or something like that. And mom is probably still working.

I heard a doorbell and thought that it was them, but instead, a man was standing there. He was smiling at me and I wanted to slam the door at his face.

'Why now?' I thought.

"Hey, Kiddo. I miss you." He came up to me and ruffled my hair then hugged me. After my dream, everything felt different. And also after Eric told me he doesn't think that he haven't come home because of work, but because of something else.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I stepped back and scratched my nape.

"Well, I wanted to see my kids." He stated then awkwardly added, "And my wife."

I narrowed my eyes at him, searching any suspicious movements or words on him. How he said wife was disturbing me.

"Come in." I said and stepped aside so he could come in.

"How's school?" Oh gosh. I hate when people ask me these kind of questions. He saw my reaction and laughed. "I'm just kidding."

I snorted and went to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea. Mom always told me to make some drinks for guests.

"Mom is alright. She's still working." I told him.

He looked at me with confusion.

"I know you wanted to ask that question. And no she hasn't been seeing anyone when you're gone."

"Oh." He said leaning on the counter. He then looked at me and said, "I'm sorry I couldn't come home on the occasions. I was really busy."

I nodded my head, pretending to understand. He was never usually like this. He would always, by always I mean always, come home on every occasions and when he doesn't, he would skype or facetime us or even call us if he doesn't have time. But he hasn't even called a second on an occasion.

"Busy? In your dictionary, there was never a thing such as 'busy' when it comes to family." I spatted out the word busy like it disgusted me.

"I know. But lately, the company had been a tragedy. It had been very engaged. I'm really sorry." He said, a guilty expression on his face.

"Okay." I mumbled.

Lies. Eric called dad's office phone because his cellphone was off but the boss answered it instead. And then we asked him where he was and he said he was on a holiday. A holiday? And when we called him on the same day. He said he was busy with 'work'. Busy with work?

"Yeah. But I did have time today so I decided to come home." He said, taking the tea I had finished making and sipped on it.

I nodded and took my phone out to call Eric but then I heard a cell phone ring on the front door. I looked out the kitchen door and saw him standing there. He came in so silently.

"Ric?" Dad called out from behind me. And Eric snapped his head towards us.

"D-dad?" Eric called out.



"Ric!" Dad exclaimed in a most enthusiastic way.

"Dad!" Eric exclaimed in a less enthusiastic way.

I snorted at their encounter and watched as they hug. I sighed and decided to call mom but Dad grabbed me and pulled me into their hug.

"Group family hug!" Dad stated in a enthusiastic way.

"Group family hug." Eric and I stated in a boring way, simultaneously. We hugged him back while looking at each other.

We then heard the door creaking open and a gasp following that sound.

"Jackson?" I heard mom's voice from behind.




I rolled my eyes at them as they hug. Deja vu much? They are so alike I'm afraid that I'm adopted.

"I missed you so much!" Mom exclaimed. If only you knew he was on a holiday when he said he was busy with work. And it was on your anniversary too.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't come home in a while." He smiled at her, stepping back. I furrowed my eyebrows at that.

"It's okay. I understand. I love you." She smiled at me.

"Yeah." Dad replied. I clenched my fist, but mom didn't even noticed that he hasn't said the words back. Eric did and shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, I'll be back. I'm going to make a special dinner. And you're favorite." She winked at dad. He smiled at her and nodded. He would usually fist bump the air and yell 'Yeah!' but that never came.

People change.

My brother and I sat on the couch with our father. And we were greeted with silence. Dad was tapping his leg, I was fiddling with my thumb and Eric was scratching his head.

Mom was happily singing in the kitchen. She is so happy and I'm glad. She then called dad and asked him to come and help her while they talk.

Dad stood up and went to the kitchen. Eric sighed in relief.

"That was awkward." He said.

I nodded my head, "I know right. Why didn't he break the silence with a stupid joke?"

"He changed." He shrugged.

"Yeah." I muttered. "I noticed."

Then dinner was ready and we all gathered around the dining table to eat.

Mom cooked grilled chicken, mashed potato and pasta. Grilled chicken was Dad's favorite, mashed potato was mine and pasta was Eric's.

We sat down silently and started putting food on our plate. Honestly, all of it is my favorite. I smiled in satisfaction of all the food on my plate and started digging in.

I moaned in pleasure of how good the food was. Mom was always a good cook.

Suddenly, my bladder decided to almost explode and I stood up, going to the bathroom.

After I was done doing my business, I went and heard my dad talking in a hushed low voice.

"I know.... I'll be back as soon as possible... I'm still busy.... I'm sorry.." I was thinking he was talking to his boss until he said those last words he didn't tell mom. "I love you more, honey."

My eyes widened and my lungs almost dropped. I should be expecting this, but I didn't have enough proof before. This is why.

I didn't decide on showing myself. So I decided to hide behind the wall until he go back to the dining room.

Once he went back to the dining room, I went back in there too. I sat down and didn't even touch my food because of how many things were running around my mind.

"You okay?" Eric asked.

I nodded my head.

Everything will be alright.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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