13: A warehouse, huh?

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Carson's POV

I watched the car slowly move further and further, away from me. I tried to run as fast as I can but I was too slow to catch up with the van. What would I do now? If I tell Natalie and Eric will they try to kill me? Maybe I shouldn't tell them. They just received a good news that Crystal was alright, that she didn't die. It will only make feel worse.

I went back inside, fast, trying to look for Austin. I checked the doors one by one, until I heard a footstep behind me. I went behind the walls, trying to hide.

"Where are you? The warehouse? ..Well, which one?.. Okay, make sure it's far from her place and the hospital so that her family and friends can't find her.... Ask her stuff about Carson and if she didn't, tell her that there would be consequences.... Don't kill her, just torture her until she tells us some information, 'cause if you kill her, then we will not get some. Understood? ... Now do your work." A man's voice told the the other person on the phone. He was ordering him around, meaning he was the leader or the mastermind. His voice sounds strangely familiar though but I couldn't tell who it was.

And what does this have to do with Crystal? Why didn't they just get me? Why didn't Drake just shot me instead of her? Why is she the one on this mess instead of me? This is my mess, she should be sitting home, now, eating popcorn while watching some movies with her mother and brother. I mentally reminded myself that I have to stay away from her when this mess ends, if she made it alive. Then she will be out of this, out of the pain I caused, she doesn't deserve this.She's innocent.

When the footsteps disappear, I went back on checking the doors. I know I should have followed the man outside, but I had to find Austin first. He is now also in this mess and I should probably apologize to him, too. All this because of me.

I checked the last room, to see that Austin was on the chair, tape wrapped around him and a tape on his mouth. He tried screaming, but failed. I walked towards him and slowly ripping the tape on his mouth, so it wouldn't hurt him. I took a scissor out of the drawer beside the hospital bed and ripped the tape off around his body.

"Where's Cris?" He asked, using her nickname, only Eric used until now. "I saw 2 man take her out of the exit but I didn't know where they had gone now." He looks scared and worried. He probably have feeling towards Crystal. It was too obvious for us, but not enough for Crystal to see it. Her obliviousness made me want to pinch her cheeks.

"When I went out of her room, I saw the man took her out to the exit. I followed them, but they were already on the black van. I ran as fast as I could to follow it but I couldn't catch up." I said while standing up and helping Austin, while that was done, we went out of the room and towards the exit where Crystal had just been. "Although, I memorized the plate number of the car." I smirked. I'm not that stupid, you know. With the plate number, I could easily find out where they are. With an amazing computer hacker, like Justin, I could just tell him the plate number and I know where they would be hiding to. It looks easy, but trust be, it's hard.

We went in the car, too far from the hospital door. I knew I should have parked it nearer so that I could follow the van, easily, but I didn't know this would happen. The man said that they would take her to a warehouse, but far away to detect her. And the man said that they would torture her. The thought of her being 'tortured' made me angry.

Austin saw the look on my face and asked, "What's wrong, bro?" He looked at me with a worried expression. Austin gets worried easily.Definition of good friend.

"Nothing, man, it's just that I heard a man saying that they would torture Crystal to get some information about me, and I'm scared for her. And I don't know why, but the voice sounds oddly familiar." I know I heard it somewhere, but couldn't figure it out. I closed my eyes, before looking back at the road, trying to think who the man's voice belongs to.

"When did you hear the man?" He asked, now sounding more interested and alert.

"When I was trying to look for you, he came up behind me so I hid as he was talking on the phone, planning to put Crystal in a warehouse far enough from our place so we couldn't find her." I replied.

"A warehouse, huh? Wow, they must be a professional kidnappers, I see." He told me then frowned when he remembered something, "I didn't even get a chance to hug Crystal, kiss her on the forehead and tell her something sweet because of those stupid kidnappers." He mutters. Check! He likes Crystal. But I might also be wrong, Wesley does that, like a brother. Why do I care anyways if anyone likes her?I should be happy. Their better than Declan.

I keep repeating and repeating the plate number on my head, trying not to forget it. I told Austin to write it down on his phone so I couldn't forget it. We went to where Justin lives and went straight forward to his computer room,where all he does his stuffs I can barely understand.

We told him about what happened and he looks like he just ate a dog, that just ate a cat, that just ate a goldfish. We told him not to tell anyone most of all not Eric because it will just cause them a lot more trouble and it will also just stressed them out. Even though they needed to know, that Crystal is their family, they need to stay out of this. They would tell the police and they would go with them, and the possibility of going in the warehouse and being shot is high. I told Justin and asked him to calm down.

We told him the plate number and let him do whatever he needed to do. 1 and a half hours later, he told us where the warehouse is and suggested to call the police to get a back up. I agreed, but I told him that they would need to come in the warehouse 20 minutes after. He told us no, they need to come with you, the exact same time, but I told him it will be alright 'cause we have a plan.

"Trust me this time, Jus." I reassured him. And he sighed but agreed.

I grabbed black clothes for Austin and I to wear, from Justin's closet. Justin didn't want to come, even though he wanted to, to save Crystal's life, but he didn't know how to fight and he was also afraid of guns.

We went in my house to grab 2 guns, just in case we needed it, and went to the car to the destination where Crystal is.

We needed to go fast, so we could save Crystal's ass aved.

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