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The months went by quickly, me and August are ready to see Paris, that's what we named her. Her and London should be great friends! Tomorrow is actually the day she comes, so me and August are getting things together since I was going to the hospital today. My stomach isn't even that big but you could still tell I was pregnant. August grabbed the car seat and clothes. I packed my things for when I get out the hospital. I called up Adrian and Devin. August called his mama. After we were done, we put the things in the car and headed to the hospital.

We been here for a good 7 hours now and the contractions were killing me. Nurses were coming in and out checking on me. Mama Shelia was helping me breathe through the contractions, and she was like to make Paris come faster, push while I was having a contraction. I looked over at August and he looked so nervous. He was holding onto the pillow and was looking at me. I smiled a little then I had another contraction.

"Push push push..." Mama Shelia whispered to me.

More friends came in and they had gifts. Everyone was whispering and some remain quiet. The room was almost filled but half of them stayed in the waiting room. Everybody was watching the contraction monitor and they seen when I was getting ready to have a stronger contraction.

"Damn Kayla, that one is stronger" Adrian whispered.

After I finished softly pushing, I turned to my side. I was in pain and looked at August, he looked so damn nervous. He was sitting next to his sister Cha Cha. She smiled at me but I could barley smile back.

"When was the last time she checked on how far you were dilated?" ChaCha asked.

"Like...10 minutes ago I wanna say" I could barley talk.

August nieces had came in with some food with Devin and the smell irritated me. I sat up and covered my nose, it felt like I had the throw up.

"August, hurry up and hand me the pink bucket" I told him

August quickly got up and grabbed the pink bucket, he hand it to me and I threw up. Crazy thing was, some came out of my nose. But thank God it was just clear throw up. Mama Shelia, August and Adrian rubbed my back then ChaCha brought me a paper towel. I wiped my nose and mouth then laid back down. Paris was killing me and I needed for her to come out.
Couple more hours past by and I been in labor for a good 10 hours now. My contractions gotten worst and I believe it was time for her to come now. August was standing by me and rubbing my back. I was whining because I was in so much pain and the epidural was barley working for me.

"Here comes a contraction" one of August cousins said.

I just shut my face and held onto August tightly.

"August.." I had whined.

"It's alright baby, this will be over with"

Mama Shelia got up and rubbed my leg.

"Damn, I'm going to need Paris to stop acting like she don't wanna come out" She said through her laugh.

She lifted up my cover to look under then her face changed quickly. She jumped up and down then ran out to the hallway

"We need a nurse! She's getting ready to have her!" Mama Shelia yelled then ran back in.

I was confused then looked at August.

"What is it?" I asked him.

He looked under the cover then his face changed as well. "She's almost coming Kayla"

"What is it August!?" I yelled at him.

"Your water just broke"

I felt like I was getting ready to cry, I didn't even know my water broke. Nurses rushed in and I started to get nervous. Everybody left out expect for Mama Shelia. I wish August could have stayed.

August POV

When I seen the nurses came in, I had to quickly get up out of there. I couldn't watch Kayla as she was pushing my baby girl out, I just don't need anything bad happening. I already lost 2 and I damn sure can't lose another. I was pacing and hoping and praying my baby girl comes out healthy. I could hear the nurses and my mama cheering Kayla on. Devin came over to me and rubbed my back.

"Aye man, you'll be alright"

I just shook my head and held my hands together "I hope so"

"Oh my gosh, she's coming!" I heard the nurse say.

I felt like I was getting ready to cry once I heard that, then seconds later, I heard my baby girl cry. I cried along with her.

"Awwwh August, she's here!" ChaCha said and shook me.

"Stop crying big head!" Adrian added.

I laughed and quickly rubbed my eyes. My cousins, Devin, ChaCha and Adrian was congratulating me. They patted my back and ChaCha was overly excited and kept shaking me. The door opened then I seen the nurse smiling at us.

"You guys come on in" she said and more to the side for us to come in.

I slowly walked in and seen them cleaning Paris, I smiled so big. She was so tiny and I wanted to hold my baby right away.

"Thank you Kayla" I told her then looked at her

She looked tired then she smiled at me

"You're welcome baby"

I got the chance to hold my baby girl and I felt so good. She slowly opened her eyes and I thought I was getting ready to cry. Everyone was taking pictures and this moment felt good. I finally get to hold the baby that's mine and had her with the love of my life. Everyone from the waiting room came in and the room was filled, I'm surprised the nurses let all these people in. Really just family and friends. When Kayla held Paris, she broke down in tears. It was too beautiful and I kissed Kayla's forehead.

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