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"Come on Kayla gosh!" Damion was yelling at me as I was taking forever to get ready. Me, mama, and Damion were going skating and I'm trying get cute since it's a Saturday. All the teens gonna be there!

"Kaylaaaa, we're waiting on you baby!" Mama yelled. It's funny when she yells, her voice is so soft and some people can never take her serious. I finally finished doing my hair and I grabbed my bag and I headed downstairs.

"Well it's about time! Every since you became a 9th grader you think you all bad and cute" He complained and rolled his eyes.

"Boy you a 7th grader though, you still in middle school my nigga" I said, then I felt a slap on my head.

I looked at my mama quickly and rubbed my head. "Mama!"

"You know I don't like them words, let me catch you saying that again" She demanded and grabbed her purse.

"Now let's go, chop chop!"

We walked out the house and all headed to the skating rink. We've skated for a good 2 hours and we had us a good time. Mama was so old school, but she was a great skater. She was just skating backwards and grooving to the music that was playing. She was looking really pretty out there on the rink too. Her hair was flowing and my mama has a bad ass shape too, it was funny when the younger guys tried to hit on her. We all skated together and was singing along to the music. I knew how to skate, but I really wasn't as good as my mama and Damion. They were skating together and doing tricks, they caught everyone's attention and they were cheering mama and Damion on. After we skate, we went to go grab something to eat, mama's favorite. Chicago's famous styled hot dogs. Mama love her some of them Chicago hot dogs.  After we had the time of our lives, we went back home. As soon as I opened the door to walk in the house, daddy was just standing right there by the couch. He looked kind of upset, I don't know why. His arms were folded and he was shaking his leg like a little female.

"Where y'all been?" He yelled with anger in his voice.

My mama walked in,  just shook her head and sighed "Don't even start all that hollering , we were just hangin' out"

"You don't know how to answer your phone?!" He yelled even louder.

Damion was just now coming in and he shut the door behind him,"What are you yelling for now?" He whispered, but I heard him. I slightly chuckled and was making my way upstairs. Daddy grabbed my arm and pulled me back to where I was standing at first.

"This conversation ain't done! Don't fucking walk away when I'm talking to you"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Oh my gosh, you're yelling for no type of reason. I just wanna go to bed dad"  I told him and was looking at him with tired eyes.

"No! Y'all fuckers never appreciate the shit I fucking do for y'all. Y'all always leave and never wanna clean up around here and shit/ I'm always picking up shit after y'all"

Me and Damion instantly looked at each other and scrunched up our faces. We already knew he was drunk because he always bringing the "I'm always doing shit around here" excuse when he's drunk.

Damion smacked his lips and threw his stuff down "Dad, you're drunk. You're being dramatic for no reason.." He started. I grabbed Damion's arm to stop him, I know Damion is going to make him mad. He yanked away and smacked his lips. "Nah, I'm tired of this cat. Thinking he the damn boss of everybody, you ain't nothing but a man that drinks all the time and have nothing else to do with his life. You ain't shit" Damion yelled at daddy. Ma' grabbed Damion quickly and pulled him behind her.

"Damion don't talk like that!" Ma yelled.

"Fuck this dude man!" Damion yelled back.

I looked at daddy who was red as fuck, his light brown eyes seemed to turn red as well. Daddy tried to grab for Damion but I grabbed Damion quickly and pulled him upstairs to my room. My dad ran behind us then began banging on the door.

"Open this damn door! I ain't the boss right Damion? Come fight me like I ain't the boss" My dad screamed from the top of his lungs.

I was blocking the door making sure Damion doesn't get to the door. Damion little tall ass was ready to fight, he may be a 7th grader but don't let that fool you. Damion was trying to gt past me

"Kayla move and let me fight that man!" He yelled at me.

"No Damion just chill, you know he drunk!"

"Nah man I'm just tired of his shit!"

"Calm down Damion! Now you tweakin" I yelled at him.

Damion started to pace. It was too much going on and all I wanted was for everyone to calm down. My dad was yelling and screaming so much he started to get on my nerves. I just quickly opened the door and slapped him hard as hell. I looked and it was a big red mark on the side of his face and he held it while looking at me. Everyone calmed down quick. My mom was standing behind my dad with her mouth covered, hoping he doesn't do anything to me. I turned to look at Damion and he was just staring with his eyes wide. I looked back at my dad, who was rubbing his face.

"I'm sorry daddy, but you're insane. Stop it with all this drama, just lay down and go to bed." I told him softly.

He was still standing there looking at me.

"Please..." I begged.

He nodded his head and he slowly walked off to his room. I sighed of relief . I just need this family to be perfect one damn time...........


I came from my flashback and the tears came running down. I can never have a normal flashback without thinking of hearing the gunshots of my ma being killed. I was in the kitchen and I tried so hard to not let August hear me sob. All I could hear was the damn gunshots replay over and over in my head. I picked up the glass and threw it at the wall.

"Why the fuck did that bitch ass nigga take my mama's life?" I screamed and cried harder. All I could do was fall to the floor and kick my feet like a pouting kid.

I heard August footsteps approach quickly and he squat down next to me.

"Baby what's wrong with you?" He asked all concerned.

"I just want my mama back August! I can't stop th-thinking about her. I can't see how you do it about your brother not being here. My mama was my life and I loved her so much. That crazy ass nigga took my mama's life! She didn't deserve that shit!" I screamed and cried harder in my hands.

August really didn't know what to do, all he did was pulled me into his arms and held me. "Shh baby, stop all that cryin'. Is your dad still in prison?" He asked.

I nodded and sniffled. "He been in that bitch for a good 7 years now. They need to kill his bitch ass" I said and slowly started to calm down.

"Maybe you should talk to him ma, work this shit out.." He hesitated to say.

I looked at him and scrunched up my face. "What the fuck you mean 'work this shit out', he killed my mama I ain't finna work shit out with him. If I see him, I'm gone kill him."

"Baby..." He said softly.

August really wasn't helping out but he was starting to piss me off. "No, you got me fucked up. You wanna work shit out?" I started then stood up "You go talk to him.." I said and walked off into my room and locked the door. I continued to cry with the memories flooding my head.

(Sorry it was so shorrrrrt!)

Say You Want Me.. (August Alsina)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя