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August's POV

I had to really get away from her for a quick second so I can go to the County Jail, where Kayla's father was. I just need to talk to him about him seeing her and they need to talk. The bus driver took me by there and I got out quickly. I went inside and walked to the front desk.

"Yes, may I help you?" The lady asked.

"Hey, I'm here to visit Kyle Mathis." I said.

"Okay, just one second" She told me and pulled her walkie-talkie to her lips.

"Srg. Dillards, I have someone here to visit" She said into the walkie talkie.

She looked away and waited for him to speak.

"Bring em on down to my office" He said.


She pointed down this hall where a scan machine was. "They'll have to check you first over there, and his office will be the second door to your left" She explained.

I nodded my head "Thanks ma"

I seen her smile a little then I walked over to the scanner. They checked me and patted me down then I went to the office. A buff black man was sitting at the desk and writing down things, I softly knocked on the door and he looked up from his paper and smiled.

"Well hello sir', I seen you on TV before" He spoke with his deep voice and what he said took me by surprised.

"Well, I kno" I spoke dryly.

"Have a seat, have a seat"

I sat on the black leather chair and looked at all the documents he had on his desk.

"Okay, so who you're here to visit?"

"Um, Kyle Mathis"

He had make this "wtf" face and nodded his head.

"You're actually the first person to come and visit. Any relation?"

"He's my father-in-law"

"Ahhh, so you're married to his daughter?"

Him asking all these questions was buggin me, I hesitated for a moment and nodded my head "Yes sir"

"Okaaaay, well. I'm going to need you to sign these papers" He started. "Then I need to give you a visitors pass"

I signed the papers he gave me and he spoke into his radio "Srg. Rullos, send Mr.Mathis to the visitors room"


I gave him the papers and pen then he wrote my name on a visitors pass. "Here, put this on your shirt. The two fellas out there will escort you to the visitors room"

I nodded my head "Thank you" I told him and placed the pass on my shirt. I walked out his office and the two officers escorted me to the room.

"He right there by the window" The officer told me.

I walked over to the table and he was staring down at the table. The closer I got, he looked more like Damion.

"Hey Sir, my name is Au-"

He cut me off by placing his hand in the air "I know who you are, August Alsina. Y'all used to stay next door and shit"

He looked up at me and he had two cuts under his eye. "So, why you here?"

"I only came because I wanted to see if you were comfortable to see Kayla"

His face kind of lit up and he looked down "Kayla huh.." He said softly.

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