I was slipping through all the seams when the man clarified that if I dropped the porcelain china and shattered it, it would be a huge weight on his parents' shoulders. That was the last thing I could ever want. Karin's words helped me stay strong, but it only lasted for so long. To say I was embarrassed was to say the least. For all I know he could have been joking, but I knew myself better than anyone and I could stand trial as the only witness with a steady confirmation of how clumsy I am. That must have been why her last attempt of cheering me up sounded so sincere and anguished at the same time.

"Are you well Kailah?"

A little heaviness returned when I heard Salem's voice; the confrontation I truly did not want to live through.

"Yes, I am." I responded.

"Uncertain? Or definitely?" She asked once more.

"What do you mean?"

"The drive back home is indeed a little less than long; but not too minimal of short, yet you have not uttered a single syllable. Why is that? What exactly is running through your highbrow?"

I was taken aback abruptly, for two reasons. One, Salem reacting in some kind of concern was something else. Two, the anxiety that maybe this was a question that would lead me into some kind of guilt, that I wouldn't be expecting.

"I'm...somewhat embarrassed."
I confessed.

"Embarrassed? About what, child?"

There was some silence. It wasn't uncomfortable it was simply, there. A moment's peace.

"I apologize for acting as cowardly as I did. I didn't mean to give an impression of you being of ill will."

My skin winced as we passed the last tide of mountain sides and the sunlight was free to roam on my skin.

"Listen to me closely Kailah–" I looked over to her, sitting up straight and certain, hands on the wheel delicately, focused. "–the second after an act takes place, it is no longer the present, but the past. Once you are handed a card in the game of life, you cannot simply take it, comply, and move backwards to rid yourself of it or any chagrin that may come of it. You can only accept it, and carry on forward. You must learn from that act. Whatever it may bring as well. I only know this to be certain as I fell victim to it long ago."

She hadn't looked at me once. It was almost a confession, at least it sounded more of that than a lecture. An act I was incredibly grateful for in this moment.

"Yes ma'am." I smiled.

The plains outside lit up a luminescent hue of green as the sun was now right above us. It wasn't long before we were back home. A median house in the depths of the green plains.

 A median house in the depths of the green plains

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