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"You're going to end up in jail, Eden Noir." He said, nonchalantly.

Everything had started earlier this morning. As I had said, I kept my word to that vulgar woman. I had Nicholas on his way very early endowed with a suitcase holding triple the dowry she was paid last night, in cash. Owning a strict and successful law firm, you could already assume why they disagreed with my proposal to Salem last night. After all this wasn't Ancient Greece. This was a modern world where such greedy actions had judicial consequences.

What a bother. I turned my focus back onto Kailah and a brute in a pig sty; Michael. He seemed busy swallowing a plate of absolutely everything Karin managed to make. It really is fascinating how different the two brothers are, yet still have the same, annoying, face.

Kailah was definitely befuddled. She kept staring at Michael gargle down dish after dish. 'I know right? Just how much can that guy eat?' is what I had said in my mind, but of course, she couldn't hear that.

"Did you even bother to hear what I said?" A voice broke. Nicholas eventually stepped closer to the table, only a few steps away from making Kailah a human sandwich with his brother at the other end. She shifted, and put her fork down altogether. She was uncomfortable. I could feel it.

"Stop. Don't sit next to her. Sit anywhere else."

Michael lifted his face from the plate he was busy going overtime on, and Nicholas had one foot stalled mid-step. Both lifted a brow.

"I've been gone for just under an hour and already you're territorial over the girl?" He questioned sarcastically.

I chuckled. "You're both morons." I set down my mug and raised my hands over my head, meeting at the end. "She has anxiety. The fact that you'd both be sitting next to her would have her heaving."

Kailah kept her gaze down in embarrassment. Nicholas made his way to my side of the table and proceeded to sit alongside myself. "Kailah eat your breakfast. All jokes aside, you need food in your system." She complied, re-lifting her fork and taking a bite of the eggs first and then everything else.

"I said you're going to end up in jail. Don't know if you heard me or not." Nicholas repeated.

"Yes thank you, but I leave the act of justice in someone else's hands."

Nicholas rolled his eyes. "Sarcasm, awesome, I get it, but you're basically getting involved with what's known here as sex trafficking."

Michael lifted his dirty fork and pointed violently in his brothers direction, leaving excess syrup on the table. "He's right you know."

"You're pushing boundaries, it was more of a kidnapping than anything else." I grabbed a small plate and picked at some of the fresh fruit Karin had picked out. "Besides, why would I worry when I have you both to defend my case in a court of law?" I grinned.

Nicholas finally turned his focus on the girl across from us. His shoulders relaxed. "So–" He reached over, touching Kailah's hand to catch her attention. "—what's your name little ródi?"

Michael immediately held his butter knife up to his lips. Nicholas noticed, genuinely confused. "What..?" He urged.

Michael shook his head. "Don't call her that, our boss here gets really on edge."

The Weapon, The Crown and SpringOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora