Chapter 14 - Those Heterochromatic Eyes

Start from the beginning

Chiharu coughed nonchalantly, slightly looking away. "Akashi... Akashi Seijuro," she introduced.

Immediately, her parent's mouths formed large circles. Their eyes widened at the redhead and their gaze curiously moved towards his one red and one golden eyes. They had heard that their child was dating a boy named Akashi. They expected this Akashi to be kind, warm and gentle. Overall someone whom their anxious Chiharu would not be afraid of. However there was something about this red head that intimidated the couple. It was those cold, glassy heterochromatic eyes. They held no warmth. The Momoi couple could not see how their daughter would date this boy.

Akashi swept aside their shock and took the initiative to introduce himself formally. "Yes, I am Akashi Seijuro."

Momoi's parents stiffened, feeling their faces heat up. "Ahh... yes. We're Momoi Chiharu's parents," they answered back.

Chiharu could die of embarrassment. They were so obvious.

Akashi smiled, showing no signs of noticing her parent's agitation. Chiharu was grateful for that. His smile had helped ease her parent's discomposure. She was about to move on with the conversation, but her parents beat her to it. Their next statement almost killed her.

"T...thank you for always taking care of our shy daughter!" they half stammered and exclaimed.

Chiharu's eyes widened and she promptly reached for her parent's face. Her hands wrapped around both parent's mouths but it was too late to recover the damage.

Hayama and Nebuya's eyes bulged wide opened, Mibuchi covered his mouth in shock and even Mayuzumi could not blink. They may have not understood why her parents had talked formally with Akashi but alas their last statement cleared everything up.

Or did it?

They stared at Chiharu's parents as if they had been joking. They could not believe their eyes or ears. Akashi couldn't have dated Chiharu.

Satsuki broke the silence with her giggles. Chiharu face went beetroot and she turned sharply to elbow her sister. But before she could, Akashi replied.

"No, it is my pleasure." Akashi answered.

Chiharu's mind went crazy. He replied. He answered.

Chiharu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Had Akashi actually agreed to the fact that they were dating? They weren't... right?

Mibuchi, Hayama and Nebuya had it even worse. They coughed and slapped each other unjustifiably just to check whether they were dreaming. Chiharu's father, unbeknown to why everyone was in shock, reached out to shake Akashi's hand.

Akashi, in turn, shook it.

That was the last straw. Chiharu's mind went blank. Her body automatically moved to run away.

What was Akashi playing at? Just the week before, he had pushed her away. He had also promised his father that he would never talk to her again. So what was he thinking? What was he thinking by introducing himself to her parents?

Her parents too? What were they playing at? Hadn't Satsuki told them that Akashi and her had separated?

That was when she felt her arm being pulled back.

"Chiharu! Wait! Stop!" Satsuki cried. Chiharu looked back, tears filling her eyes again. She missed Akashi. She missed him in America and when she came back she missed him even more. Was Akashi playing with her? What was he thinking?

Those cold heterochromatic eyes appeared in her memory again. She shook her head to remove them from her mind. They lingered in her memory, of all memories of Akashi.

"Chiharu!" screamed her sister. Chiharu paused. Her eyes met Satsuki's.

"Chiharu," Satsuki almost whispered. Her voice rose in crescendoes. "Akashi-kun and you never officially broke up," she exclaimed, emphasising every word.

Chiharu's eyes widened. What was she talking about?

"Akashi never broke up with you right? And you never broke up with him. Even though you separated, the fact is, that you never officially broke up!"

Chiharu blinked. She was pretty sure they had broken up. It didn't matter whether it was official or not. They had separated and Chiharu knew that for a fact.

"B... but he hates me!" she exclaimed. "The last time I saw him, we fought... he..."

"He loves you!" Satsuki shrieked.

Chiharu watched as Satsuki grabbed her shoulders and held her still.

He loves me? Is she joking?

"Even when you left, he pleaded to me for your contact details, for anything that he could communicate to you with! But I didn't give it to him. I knew you were in your own transition. Even when Mu-kun challenged Akashi-kun and he and his personality changed right after, I would see him sit in the library alone. But the fact is, he sat at the very same spot in the library, that you guys would play shogi together. He would spend all breaks in there! Akashi-kun never forgot you and more than anything, he loves you!"

Chiharu rounded on Satsuki. "He loves me?! What are playing at Satsuki?! He hates me!"

"He hates you because you are his weakness!" she shot back. "But because you are his weakness, you can change him!"

Chiharu's eyes watered. She remembered back to the first time she had saw Akashi after she had come back. She recalled clearly his words. You are my weakness.

"B... but then..."

Satsuki crossed her arms and leaned her cheek on one finger. "That means that you and Akashi are technically still dating, right?"

"D... don't ask me..." Chiharu ended weakly.

"You have to ask Akashi-kun!" she cried eagerly.

Satsuki hesitated. "Even if Tetsu-kun doesn't accept my love for him, at least you still have Akashi-kun,"

Chiharu observed Satsuki. It was true. For three whole years, Satsuki had been battling with her unrequited love of Kuroko. She could see the painful and desperate emotions behind Satsuki's encouraging face.

She looked back at the basketball court where she eyed Akashi and her parents talking. The uncrowned trio just sat around them in disbelief.

"Alright. I'll confront Akashi. I'll ask him," Chiharu said with sudden vigour.

You are my weakness.

As Chiharu marched up to the group, those words replayed in her head. In some ways, it was the same for her. Akashi was her weakness. She would do anything for him. Those words brought her confidence and hope.

She believed in Akashi. 

After leaving him two years ago, Chiharu was going to get him back.

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