The Devil's Initiative

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"Now, you give it a try," Gohan insisted, letting the sphere within his palms dim and peter out, leaving air once more.

Videl took a deep breath — a perfect action to calm her unsteady mind, as well as showing her own intuition as a martial artist — and cupped her hands out in front her. She knew that breath was power in martial arts; it flowed in in every movement they made, and the same held true here.

And yet, despite what she thought of as perfect execution, the girl found herself unable to bring out the glowing orb that Gohan had shown off only seconds before. "Why can't I do it...!?" She thought, feeling her hands and shoulders tremble with irritation; and yet, a small amount of trepidation as well. "What if I can't do it?" She thought, wincing with the difficulty of trying to call forth a force she didn't even believe in.

"You need to relax," Gohan urged; his eyes didn't miss the slight trembling of the ebony-tressed girl's slim figure, and felt the need to caution her. Tension the likes of which Videl was putting on her body would make gathering kifar more difficult, as as well stressful and detrimental to the body as a while; he and his father had long since discovered ki was best drawn out when one felt relaxed and in their natural state.

"How can I relax? I'm supposed to bring this ki out, right? How can I be calm and just gently pull it out? That's like asking me to pull a mountain while sleep walking!" Videl shouted out exasperatedly.

"I got it, I got it!" Gohan waved his hands to ease the girl's temperment. Scratching his head, Gohan tried to think of a way to better demonstrate Ki control other than through words. Even the orb of ki wasn't much of a show of what controlling one's energy could do. That's when the dawning realization of what he had could be a perfect emphasis for the young martial artist.

"Right," Gohan fist palmed, looking over Videl's head, as if looking at the answer materialized in the horizon.

"Huh?" The daughter of Mr. Satan tilted her head to the side in query.

"Alright, I'm going to give you another example of how ki control can be brought out to the surface. Make sure to pay attention, I'm not going to show it more than once," Gohan waved his hand at Videl, causing her to lean closer, catching her attention perfectly.

Nodding with a smile, Gohan stood straight and clenched his fists at his sides. Slowly he inhaled and exhaled, his breath in sync with the environment's gentle breeze. As blades of grass fluttered over his right and Videl's left, the tresses of black hair glittered with the faintest golden hue. In a calm, purposeful manner, Gohan's body began flare in a bright solar glow that thrummed audibly before Videl's eyes. When his brows turned a pale blonde as his head of hair had done, Gohan's fists slackened into open palms, causing the energy to completely solidify. Like an exhale the power he quietly pulled out released like a gust of wind, bristling over Videl's hair, causing her pigtails to whip behind her head as the grass and soil parted with the pressure of wind.

"Now," Gohan began to say, his blue eyes staring at Videl and a smile stretched across his face, "what did you see when I pulled out my energy to the surface? Was I struggling?"

"N-No," Videl stuttered, her eyes still wide and still adjusting to the teenager's profile identity flashed literally before her eyes. This was his energy? If she didn't know him better, she would have thought he was a god from mythology. Yet, his body didn't bulk up crazily nor did he simply yell out like a ferocious animal. It came out slowly and surely before her eyes, as if he was pulling something by a string rather than a large pulley. "you were so calm and I barely felt any change when you...err...transformed. It's amazing, to be honest!"

"If I can bring out this kind of energy calmly," Gohan said with a grin, complemented with a thumb's up to Videl, "it should be even easier for you if you keep your cool."

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