Prolouge (?)

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Art is different person to person.

The girl walking her dog might think art is a concept or it's not really real. how boring.

The little boy in the park probably doesn't know what art is but if you asked him, his answer would be 'mom' or 'a painting'.

Your angry neighbor will say 'the sea'. He really loves the color of it.

But if you ask Im Jaebum, he will say Choi Youngjae.

When Jaebum looks at him he sees color. Not just plain and straight blue and red. It's all pastel shades in his hair even though the color of his hair is black. His eyes are dark melted chocolate, warm, deep and welcoming. All of the colors moves as Choi looks at the world around him.

But the world was too big for Youngjae.

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Ahhh, that was just a prolouge thingy to this story i hope you'll enjoy it, I actually think it will turn out good.

This is the first time i've written something but I have a plan and i'm excited to write it.

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