seven - visit the zoo

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7. visit the zoo

"But look at the monkeeeeys!" Luke said, pointing at them and fixing his beanie "They're so cute!"

"Have you seen the lions? They're better!" Ashton said, laughing when noticing they behaved like little kids."

Luke had never gone to the zoo. It's not because his parents didn't have time when he was little, it was just because he didn't want to but it seemed fun and he wanted to go there with Ashton. It was more fun than he thought - they ate, saw some shows and petted animals.

"It's getting dark, we should go." Luke said and Ashton sent him a look, asking him if he was sure of it "I'm sure, we can come back other day."

Ashton nodded and they left the zoo, he laughed when Luke waved to some animals while they passed through them. They were having fun on that day. When they reached the car they sat down and sighed, turning on the radio.

"Ash, can I ask you something?"

"Anything, baby."

"How long have you been clean?" Luke asked.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, thinking about how much it has been. He used to cut when he was 13 (being twenty-seven now while Luke was twenty-five) but with Luke's help (who was 11 at the time, 12 when they started dating) he managed to stop doing it. It has been a shit ton of years since then and he had to count with his fingers.

"13 years, I think?"

Luke kissed his cheek and smiled, whispering "I'm proud of you."

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