Apparently There Are Too Many Dying

Start from the beginning


          Marcel smiled as Juliet walked into the old home of the Originals. There were two other vampires, possible to protect him, sitting by the stairs.

          "How are you?" Marcel asked as they  hugged.

          Juliet smiled as they sat. "I'm doing well. You?" She tried not to think of how easy it would be to just reach across the table and rip out his throat.

          "I'm good." He motioned to the two guys who walked over, placing a small black book on the table. "This is my plan for tomorrow. Give it to Klaus. My real plans are different. I'm going to meet the mayor. He wants to talk about the profits of the visitors. Apparently there are one too many dying."

          Juliet grabbed the book and skimmed through it. She noticed something about the werewolves. "The bayou?" She asked. Her hatred grew for Marcel.

          "I put a curse on the werewolves there. The witches did the spell for me back when magic was allowed. They're wolves for every day of the month. When the full moon rises, that's when the wolves become human." He leaned back in his chair. He smirked, clearly pleased with himself.

          Juliet nodded. She felt the rage and anger boiling at the surface of her skin. She contained herself.

          "Why did you switch their curse?" She asked, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

          "The werewolves were trying to rule the city. Some would run through the city on the full moon, killing innocent people and vampires. Us vampires tried to keep them in the bayou during transition, but they escaped and almost killed all of my guys. Vampires, witches and some of the people who knew of our secrets started to complain. So I told the witches to curse the werewolves. They were happy to do it." He smiled. She smiled back.

          "So if the full moon is tomorrow night, why are you sending him?" She asked. Klaus may actually ditch his plan for tomorrow, she thought.

          "Because he's part werewolf. Figure he'll be interested in it and maybe because he's part vampire and vampires helped get rid of werewolves, they'll send him away." His voice was cool and his gaze bore into the Hybrid in front of him, causing her to freeze.

          She smirked. "Or they realize that he is a stronger, better, and improved version of themselves and they start working with him." Maybe she shouldn't have said it, but she felt good about her reply.

          Marcel's eyes never left hers as he watched her like a hawk.

          "At any sign of trouble, I have a weapon that will protect the city from the werewolves." His eyes shone with excitement.

          Her face became one of confusion. "Weapon?" She asked. Surely he couldn't be talking about Davina...

          He smiled. "Just something I know. An ace up my sleeve." His smug expression made her nod.

          "That's nice. Now what about the mayor?" She asked, looking around the courtyard. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the two vampires watching them.

          He sat forward and leaned on the table. "I want you there. The mayor is part of the Fraction. Do you know of it?" He asked. She shrugged.

          "No, not really."

          "It's a group of humans like the mayor, chief of police the Priest, and some others. They manage the things that happen here in New Orleans such as the killings and disappearances. Keep the supernatural under wraps. It was originally created by Klaus. Had pirates and dirty politicians. After his father drove him out of town, it became an all human group and they know about the supernatural beings of New Orleans." He sighed as he finished. She sat, shocked.

          "That's a lot of trust you're putting in the humans." She mused. He nodded.

          "I know. But we have a deal under the table. The supernatural can live as they want, but they have to pay money to the Fraction to keep the supernatural a secret. The witches do tours around New Orleans and have a voodoo shop. Us vampires throw parties almost every night and charities every week. At midnight, the Nightwalkers feed and compel the humans to forget when their done." He states.

          "Why do you want me there tomorrow?" She asked. It may mess up Klaus's plan.

          He shrugged. "You always seem to ask the right questions. Plus you have something about you that intimidates my Nightwalkers. Can't even imagine what the humans would feel." He said, the look of lust once again crossing his eyes, bit gone seconds later. It almost made her gag.

          She smiled. "I'll go. But why exactly are we going to it if it's made for just humans?" She asked. It was a fair question to ask.

          "They're talking about vampires tomorrow. Vampires have a representative present just like a witch or a human would. Werewolves don't have a say. I'm the King , so naturally I go for the vampires." At the word king, Juliet almost rolled her eyes. He's not a king, Juliet thought. King implies fair leader. You are anything but.

          Juliet nodded. Her phone let out a ping and she glanced down at it. "I have to go. Klaus seems to have received an idea. I'll tell you about it tomorrow." She stood and Marcel followed.

          "Be here at six tomorrow night. I'll show you where we're going." He told her, almost in a commanding voice. The only commanding voice she was used to was Klaus. But it was different with him. With Marcel, it made her want to light him on fire and rip out his eyes.

          After exchanging goodbyes, she left, running to the Little Prairie House as Klaus called it, at vampire speed, the black book in hand. Carefully looking around before entering the house, she opened the door and slipped in.

          Klaus looked at her as she entered his study. He was looking over some old documents. Some from New Orleans in the 1800s. Papers and books were scattered throughout the room and floor. She didn't comment on it.

          "How is our dearest Marcellus?" Klaus spoke, watching as the young woman sat on the arm of the couch sighing as she did.

          She glared at him. "Irritating. And he has plans you must follow. And he opened up a lot of information today. Here," She said, tossing him the book.

          He took a minute and flipped through the book. His eyes widened and he seemed too pleased with the information the book held. "Seems we have some revising of plans to do." His smile being infections, making her smile too.

~Thank you for reading!~

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