Pls Don't Go pt.2

Start from the beginning

'Lauren. Lauren? Lauren?' A soft voice was calling my name.

I looked around but saw nothing but white, thick, fog. I tried to speak but the more I tried, the more something started to hurt. I don't know what was hurting.

"Lo? Why did you do this?'

Do what? I thought in panic. I tried to speak again but it resulted in more pain and suddenly I felt something cold making me snap open my eyes open while everything disappeared.

"Fucking Walz! I said wake her up gently!"

"I did. If you would've just said wake her up, I would've thrown something at her."

"You have to be careful. She might start to-" I interrupted their conversation because water went up my nose and I started coughing loudly, and wildly.

"Oops." Now I know that was said in a sarcastic tone.

"Help her sit up!"

Before I could react, two strong arms gently pulled me into a sitting position and patted my back. My breathing came back to normal and, I'm guessing Dinah, rubbed my back.

"You good there Ralph?" I nodded. "Good, wouldn't want you to die on me now. Where would I hide your body." She joked making my lips curve into a small smile.

"Come on Cheech, nothing wrong here. I want some ice cream." That for sure was Camila, a somewhat mad, Camila.

"Shut up for a bit Chancho. Now Ralph, can you try and open your eyes. I wanna see those emerald gems I've always been jealous of."

"I can try." Whoa! My voice is barely there, heavy on the rasp and low on the power.

"Get her some water Mila."

"I just got her som-"

"Get her another cup, but this time don't pour it on her." With a huff I heard Camila march off. "Sorry about that, she's just mad she lost her fuck-buddy."

"It's fine." I barely managed to say.

"Now open your eyes. I want to see if that bitch didn't do anything worse."

Slowly but surely I opened them, wincing a bit when Dinah drew her finger carefully over a bump I could see. Well, at least I could see, that's a good thing right?

"Here, I got some more water. Now can we go get ice cream? Please?"

When Dinah gave me the glass of water I practically swallowed it all in one gulp.

"Wow Jauregui, ya thirsty bish."

"Thank you. What happened last night?"

"You don't remember?"

"One minute blonde chick was in front of me, next thing I know, I'm blacking out."

"Oh for goodness sakes." From the corner of my eye I saw Camila grumpily sit down on the floor, her arms crossed across her chest and legs crisscrossed.

Dinah told me what happened. Now that bitch was to stay far away from me or else Dinah, herself, would make sure she doesn't show her face around here again.


"Yes Mila, let's go get ice cream." Camila got up quick and did a victory jump. She was always so adorable. "Aye you wanna come with Laur?" Should I or should I not?

"Dinah!" Camila whined and started pulling her away.

"Mila you know I love you right? But right now, you're behaving worse than my little brothers."

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