A Deal with the Devil

Start from the beginning

"My lady Faewyn," I heard him say, with some degree of surprise.

Thank the Valar. I followed him breathlessly.

"Le sulion, mellon nin!" I exclaimed, running to meet her. "How did you find us?"

"I followed the tunnel until I reached the part that had collapsed. It was by chance I stumbled here, but fortunate enough."

"What has happened?" I asked urgently. "From here I saw Prince Legolas and Falcon conversing, with as great a wrath as any."

"It was a tense meeting indeed," Faewyn said darkly. "Were he not a prince with good self control I doubt he could have resisted running him through."

"He must have been substantially angered, then," I said, with some degree of skepticism.

"Gianna, you have no idea. I have never seen him so furious. It was about you," she added.

"What was?"

"What they spoke of. Falcon tried to convince Legolas of a bargain."

"Which bargain?" I asked quizzically.

"I know not, I was sent to get you. He will not hurt us until Legolas gives an answer," she answered.

"You are sent alone?" Bren frowned. "A lady--"

"I am not only a lady, sir," Faewyn shot back. "All elves are trained to be fighters and I am no exception, if you please."

"Forgive me," he answered, abashed. "There is much I do not know."

"We must return before nightfall," she  said, turning back to me. "By the dark all manner of fell creatures may roam."

"Now, then?"

She nodded. "I know the way back."

"Flank us," I said to the two men. They curtly nodded and tightened their sword belts once more.

Breathlessly, our small party ran over the still, harsh landscape, the wind mournfully singing around us.

We made it back with little incident, fortunately, though it was difficult to imagine being perfectly safe.

"There was a host of goblins around just before we hid," I told Faewyn.

"Did they attack?" she asked, concerned.

"They did not see us, but I dread their motives," I explained.

"Falcon made it seem a threat was looming," she said worriedly.

"A poor threat, as there were but a hundred." I assured her.

"Perhaps they are those mutant creatures," Faewyn said with distaste.

"I hope not, they are as unpleasant as they come," I shuddered, remembering the assault outside of Minas Tirith.

In what seemed like much less time than before, we reached a coarse brush surrounded by steep precipices of black rock.

"Here," Faewyn stopped, putting out a hand. "Follow me."

Legolas strode forward, his hair flying behind him in the eerie wind that had gathered in the valley.

"Are you hurt?" he said with immediate concern, as soon as he saw me.

"No, hír vuin, the men did well in assisting me," I said with a slight nod to Bren and Damen, who trailed behind.

"They have proved their worth well. Thank you for protecting her." he said courteously.

"It was an honour," Bren assured him.

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