Cold Wind

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Morning broke. I sat up suddenly, a cold iron weight on my chest, and sunk back against the blankets.

There was no way I could continue on like this, being at the mercy of the smallest feeling, a twinge of annoyance become a surge of irritation, a shadow of doubt resolving into a looming uncertainty and a feeling of want into an uncontrollable desire.

But I must. There would be no other answer to end the last inhuman threat Middle-earth had.

Because I had come in my sleep, but put on the necklace here, Faewyn had figured that it wouldn't use the precious time measured by the stars.

But now I had to keep it on, I thought savagely. At least this was a lesson in self control.

Elanor knocked lightly on my door. "Miss?" she called.

"Yes, I'm awake, please do come in." I called.

She entered, curtsying. "My Lady, I do know it's early, but the King has said you leave quite soon, would you like to come to breakfast?"

"Do you know, I would just like to take a tray up here, if I may?" I asked cautiously. "I'm still not feeling so well and I would have my strength for travel."

"Of course, my Lady," she smiled, before lightly closing the door behind her.

That was easy, hiding up in my room without any obligations. Just waiting, waiting until I would have to see him again and I would break down again, stone by stone.

I walked downstairs, conveniently remembering where everything was the last few hours of my presence within the walls.

I met with Maldor, who was similarly joining the company.

"Le sulion," he said warmly.

"Morning," I said, smiling. "Are you ready?"

"A guard is always ready," he returned assuredly.

"If only I could say the same," I sighed. "Have you seen Faewyn?"

"Here," called her voice from a corridor.

I guessed at where she was and walked to meet her, but was completely taken off guard to see Legolas there as well, talking with King Aragorn.

I determinedly pretended he was a hole in the wall and looked only at Faewyn.

"So, did anyone tell you why we're leaving so soon?" Maldor started conversationally.

"No, though I see as usual everyone knows but me," I teased.

"You're mistaken, I know least of all," Maldor laughed.

Aragorn turned to see us.

"Ah, welcome, both of you! I have discussed it with Legolas and I'll be sending a few men with you as well."

"Would it befit us to travel with more men?" I asked, frowning.

"Indeed it would," Aragorn said. "Although impractical in many cases, what you seek is precarious at best and it would do well to have more between you and the enemy."

The way he said it made my skin prickle uncomfortably.

"How soon will we reach the Black Lands?" Faewyn asked.

"You should be there in little time," Aragorn assured us. "But I fear it will not be a pleasant journey, though hardly lengthy."

"We must not do what is easiest, but what is best," I pointed out.

"So you must," he agreed. "But I intend to let you go well provided for."

"You mustn't go to any trouble," Faewyn insisted.

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