Chapter Seventy Seven

Start from the beginning

Everyone's just finishing lunch when Bella starts whining and squirming in her seat, Zayn eyes her carefully for a minute, "Bella what's wrong Love?" he asks gently. Bella whines and pulls on the front of the hoodie, that's covering her "big sister" shirt, "too hot Baba, take it off" she mumbles, still pulling on the fabric. Zayn laughs nodding his head, now's as good a time as any he decides and stands up to help pull the heavy fabric from Bella. The toddler sighs in relief when the hoodie is removed and everyone turns back to the last bits of their lunch, the table covering enough of the shirt you can't read what it says. "Well that was delicious, thank you Zayn, Liam" Trisha says, pushing her plate away slightly, "thanks Mum, why don't we all go back to the living room to sit?" Zayn asks, Liam nods in agreement, "yeah, um, Zayn and I have something to tell you" he adds. Zayn scoops Bella into his arms to follow behind everyone to the living room, making sure, her shirt is hidden until they're ready, he can't help but feel nervous, he knows that his family will accept it, but he can't help feeling the same way he did, over three years ago when he was telling them about Bella. Liam nudging Zayn snaps him back to reality, and he nods setting Bella on her feet, "alright so Liam and I have been talking about this for awhile now, and it's actually happening" Zayn starts. He gets cut off when his mum gasps and he looks to see her pulling Bella into a hug, "Zayn Javadd Malik, is this real?" Trisha demands and Zayn bites his lip as he nods. Yaser looks from Bella to Liam and Zayn, "how is this possible?" he asks. Zayn smiles lightly, looking to Liam, who grabs for his hand, squeezing gently, "Doniya's actually being our surrogate, so Liam's the father" Zayn murmurs.

The room is quiet, before Trisha jumps up with a squeal that could rival any teenager and rushes over to pull Zayn and Liam into a hug, "this is so great. Congratulations I'm so happy for you two!" she exclaims and Zayn hugs her back tightly just smiling. "So you guys are excited then?" Zayn asks, once Trisha releases him and Liam, his mum laughs nodding her head, "so happy" she giggles and Zayn grins eyes flitting to his dad where he's sitting with Bella, "Dad?" Zayn asks quietly. "I'm happy for you son" Yaser murmurs and Zayn grins, "thank you" he mumbles. Waliyha and Safaa are suddenly crowding into his space both talking at once, "woah, slow down" Zayn laughs, "but thank you, both of you" he chuckles, hugging them both, before they pull away from him to hug Liam.

Once everyone calms down Zayn pulls Liam to come sit with him on the couch opposite his parents, Bella's curled into his Dad's side and looks seconds away from falling asleep, and Zayn coos slightly at the sight. Liam clears his throat making Zayn look up at him confused "there's a little more, Zayn and I are putting an offer on a house as well. We're going to need more space and a yard for two kids to run around in" Liam says. Trisha smiles across at them, "hopefully not too far away" she says and Liam shakes his head and Zayn laughs lightly, "it's actually closer to you, and Liam's family as well" Zayn answers and Trisha grins, nodding her head, "perfect. Let us know if you need any help moving" she says before directing her attention back to Bella who was tapping her arm.

Zayn's just shut the door behind his family an hour later, Liam was taking a sleeping Bella up to her room to tuck her in. Once he's sure the door is locked (just in case) Zayn heads towards the kitchen to finish cleaning up from lunch, to find Liam already there, "that went well" Liam murmurs, reaching for Zayn who allows himself to be pulled into his fiancé's arms without protest, "yes it did, they're really excited" Zayn mumbles, his voice muffled from where he's pressed against Liam's t-shirt. "Now we have a very busy seven months ahead of us to get everything ready for baby's arrival" Liam murmurs and Zayn laughs, "it's going to fly by" he murmurs and Liam nods, "I want to at least be moved before she gets here" Liam adds. Zayn pulls away to look at Liam, furrowing his eyebrows "she?" he asks. Liam shrugs "yeah, I still think it's a girl. Is that a problem?" Liam asks. Zayn laughs shaking his head "no that's absolutely fine, just remember our little wager Payne" he teases and Liam sticks his tongue out at him. "I want to be moved in and married to you, before he gets here" Zayn says, emphasising he, and Liam rolls his eyes, "you do?" Liam asks and Zayn nods, "it was your idea...last night" he chuckles. Liam nods, "I know, I just wasn't sure how you actually felt about it" he murmurs. Zayn smiles, pulling Liam's lips down to meet his own, "I love you" he murmurs when they pull apart. "We can just do a quick ceremony, get married and then throw a big reception type thing after he's here" Zayn explains a moment later and Liam nods, "I like the way you think" he murmurs, before Zayn's being pulled into another kiss.

"C'mon"Zayn murmurs tugging on Liam's hand, the clean up can wait, right now he just wants to relax on the couch with Liam and not worry about anything, "where are we going?" Liam asks as he follows Zayn. Zayn chuckles, pushing Liam onto the couch and curling into his side, "clean up can wait, I just want to be with you, right now" he murmurs. Liam chuckles, and Zayn feels him wrap his arms tightly around him a moment later, "I can handle this" Liam murmurs, and Zayn smiles as he feels lips press to the top of his head. "What are we gonna do about Sadie?" Zayn asks quietly after a moment, twisting his body to be even closer to Liam as he does. Liam growls, actually growls and Zayn furrows his eyebrows, "I honestly don't know Zayn. I've already got the restraining order but she doesn't seem to care about that. I think we're going to have to catch her and get her arrested to make her go away" Liam grumbles. Zayn smiles at Liam's protective nature and snuggles a little closer to him, "I just don't want Bella getting hurt" Zayn mumbles and feels Liam nod, "me either and I'm worried that, that's where this is heading, Zayn" Liam murmurs. Zayn pouts and shifts so he can see Liam's face, "Babe, we'll protect her. So will Louis, Harry, and Niall. Whatever happens, whatever it takes, no one's gonna hurt our babies" Zayn says fiercely. Liam nods, but there's something in his eyes that has Zayn worried, something that makes him think Liam's going to do something Zayn won't like.

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