Chapter 10

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"Are you sure this is the headquarters of Iron League of Hades?" I asked Dustin while sitting in the car, tying my hair into a ponytail. It was an ordinary looking office building with The Green Bros written in red bold letters, and one after another car entering the building.

"Yes, I had our spies check on this place. It's a corporate office but secretly used as their headquarters. Kevin Green is the boss."

"And what am I supposed to do again?"

"Job interview. I have applied for a job of receptionist under your name and today's your interview. You're the only one from our squad they don't know yet."

"What? Are you kidding me?" My face was a gargoyle of utter surprise and anger. "You gave my CV without my permission?"

"Shut up, I did you a favor," he told me, "You are getting paid for it and you won't have to worry about expensive prom dresses. Plus, you'll work as an undercover spy until we figure out what to do with them."

"Wait, you frigging followed me on my shopping trip?"

"I was keeping an eye on you," he bit his lip, "Now, go drive to the front and get done with your interview. And remember what I told you to do?"

I nodded, adrenaline rushing through my nerves. Even though I felt livid that Dustin had pursued me on my shopping trip, I decided I'll have the debate later. Smoothing out the front of my pencil skirt and checking the buttons of my blouse, I drove Dustin's car to the front of the office building while he carefully slipped out. The heels were giving me trouble as I tried to confidently stroll into the building after getting checked by security guards, wishing I had put on my flats instead of listening to Dustin. There was a cold sweat breaking across my forehead while a pulse was thundering behind my ears as I took a seat along the other interviewees. Most of them were women, probably older than me, and had makeup on. I felt ugly in front of them; Dustin had insisted I go without any makeup because that wouldn't make me look pretentious.

Eventually my name was called and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. My heart dropped to the floor as I opened the door, greeted by the cool blast of AC and the smell of a man's cologne. The man on the desk was a debonair, aquiline nose and sharp jaws with blue eyes that reminded me of the Atlantic Ocean. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I shakily took my seat, looking at him straight in the face. I could see a slight rise in his eyebrows as if he hadn't been expecting me.

"Name?" he barked.

"Anastasia Hathaway," I spoke dryly.


"Seventeen, sir."

"So you're graduating high school? I'm sorry Miss Hathaway but did you realize the requirements for the job? We wanted someone who's already graduated, not about to graduate."

Fuck you, Dustin.

"Um," I hesitated as I formulated what to say next, "I actually want this job pretty bad. And as you might already have the recommendation from my teacher, I am one of the brightest pupils of the school."

"You're a Science major, Miss Hathaway," he scoffed.

"I also have Business Studies," I said, partly lying. I had Business Studies, but I dropped it because it didn't get to my brains.

"What do you think makes you eligible for this job?" he sighed, as if bored by my answer.

"I'm very communicative with people," I told him, another lie, "And that might allow me to interact with people better as a receptionist. And I always make friends easily because people say they find me warm and inviting," I schmoozed, feeling a rush of confidence into me, "Despite my young age, many want me to be present in their every walks of life. I also can do loads of paperwork since I work as the assistant of one of my teachers, and I'm good at organizing papers and all."

"I'm sure, Miss Hathaway," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm, "I have heard you want to join Yale after graduation. Then why do you want this job? I don't think you'll be able to cope up with the job and university."

Dustin, I'm so going to throttle you for this.

"Because I know I can," I blurted out, "No matter how anyone underestimates my power, but I'm pretty sure I can handle both university and job at the same time. Survival of the fittest, that's what Biology says."

He frowned at me, making me wonder whether my answer had been unwise or not.

"You know, Miss Hathaway, things are easier said than done. I've met tons of people whose over-enthusiasm exhausted me at the beginning, but eventually I had to fire them because of underperformance, so it's better if you cut out this horsecrap and come to the reality like an adult."

"Excuse me sir, but just because a few people were like that doesn't mean everyone is like that the same way I won't say all bosses are uncouth just because you are."

"Miss Hathaway," his expression was serious now, "I didn't call you here so you could make fun of me. I could call security and kick you out of my office."

"Mr. Green, I didn't come here so you could call my abilities horsecrap," I crossed my arms at him while he raised his eyebrows coyly, "If you want to keep me, give me the job or just deny it. There's no need to objectify a woman's speech."

"I'll let you know, Miss Hathaway," he glared at me, "Good luck,"

"Thank you," I told him and stormed out of the office.

"How was the interview?" Dustin asked me when I ran into him on the street.

"I hate you," I scoffed on his face.

"So they didn't have the slightest suspicion about who you were?" he chuckled.

"I don't think so."


"How was your day?" Mom asked me as I scooped the ice cream into my mouth.

"It was good," I told her, "I had a stupid interview and the boss turned out to be a total asshole."

"Good for you, at least you have learnt that your Mom's a cool boss."

"Yeah, yeah," I waved her off, "I'm gonna play Resident Evil in my bedroom, don't allow Sean to disturb me."

"Talking of him, has something happened between you guys? You don't even talk to each other much after your Dad sold the car."

"We are just busy."

I went into my bedroom and found a message from Kirstin.

KIRSTINTHEKING: Guess what? Ethan Parker was talking of you today, he doesn't have a prom date yet. Heard he turned Francesca down.

ANNAHATESVERONICA: Really? I didn't know he's considering different thoughts about me. Wow.

KIRSTINTHEKING: You left school early today. I bet he'd ask you out.

ANNAHATESVERONICA: I had some stuff to do downtown. Okay.

KIRSTINTHEKING: No, you just can't ignore this. Ethan Parker is going to ask you out! I would have a heart failure if I was you right now.

ANNAHATESVERONICE: OMG you're so shallow Kirstin, if you were water, you'd be a puddle.

KIRSTINTHEKING: Sticks and stones, awesomesauce. Only because you know me so well. Are we best friends?


KIRSTINTHEKING: I wish we weren't grounded, though. I'm so bored of sitting at home.

ANNAHATESVERONICA: My Mom has basically forgotten about the whole grounded thingy so I guess I'm cool.

KIRSTINTHEKING: Wow, you lucky bitch. Anyways gtg. Kane has come over.

ANNAHATESVERONICA: Have fun. Say hi to Kane from me.


Author's Rant: There you go, lovelies, another chapter. Loads of twists and turns coming on from next chapter, I promise. It's time to get things up spicy; I hope you liked this chapter, please don't forget to vote or comment.

Will Anastasia get the job?

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