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Okay, so here are the top five reasons why I loathed my cousin, Veronica:

5. She was the sassy president of the sorority Eta Omicron Tau Sigma, which was considered to be the most stylish sorority of our high school. Like it wasn't bad that she got invited to all of the high-profile school parties or got to be a sweetheart of all those fraternities, but she and her sisters literally had to bully the nerd sorority I belonged to every time we encountered their catty butts.

4. Whenever any situation came up, Mom and Dad always brought her examples up. Like, always. You didn't get invited to the Mayor's son's birthday? Look at Veronica! Not only had good grades in every subject except English, but also the attractive, outgoing socialite everyone admired to have in parties. You didn't get selected in the cheerleading team? Look at Veronica, not shy of wearing clothes that make her look like a lingerie model and skillfully danced around with her pom-poms in front of that throng of gigantic cavemen who didn't shave their hairy armpits.

3. Most of the junior females in high school worshipped her like ancient Egyptians worshipped Amun-Ra. She was the type of person who could turn rags into viral fashion even though she placidly didn't deserve such acclamation.

2. She started a rumor about me that I had a medical condition in which I could not shave my pubic hair otherwise I would get severe allergies. Despite its medical incompatibility, the perturbing rumor spread far and wide.

1. She took away my crush Ethan Parker away from my life by convincing him I was a weirdo and dated him for one whole year.

Author's Rant: Hey guys, so to let you know, this is my first action + teen drama novel, I hope you'll like it! Please vote and share if you enjoyed the prologue, and I'm entering the Wattys 2016 (even though I know I ain't gonna win but where's the damage in trying?), so hopefully you guys could comment and let me know your suggestions for the story. Love ~

Laser [Wattys 2016]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora