Chapter 16

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I sensed something was wrong...I couldn't sleep and my stomach felt turned. I wanted to rest, but I just can't knowing something was wrong.

I need to see Paru...just to make sure everything was okay with her first before I check anybody else.

After a long time contemplating with myself, I decided to walk back to her dorm. The walk sort of cleared my head and helped me relax, but I was still undoubtedly uptight. A group of girls that were still in baggy and loose clothes came up to me and suddenly asked if Paru was okay...

I was completely halted by the question, raising my eyebrow in confusion. I didn't know what to think. Why would they want to ask me?

"Why? Is she okay?" I asked a little staggered.

"You're her best friend, right? You would know these kinds of things..."

"Look, we saw her walking out of her dorm to the bathroom, she had bags under her eyes and she was really pale. I tried saying something to her but she ignored me..." The girl looked at me questioningly as If she knew I had something to say, but to her disappointment, I kept my mouth shut.

"Something must've really scared her."

"Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"No...but I'm going to check on her now...Thanks." I said hastily with a fake smile as I pushed my way through the small crowd.

After explaining to the principal why I had been out for so long (along with a bit of memory wiping), I walked down the hallways of the dorm rooms and found Haruka's dorm. I knocked on the door cautiously before opening.


She was turned toward her bed, digging through something in her school bag. I saw her head turn and her eyes met mine. Before I could even realize anything else, Her stare was blank and dead. She was wearing a red t-shirt and grey pajama pants, her hair looked like it was home to a rat.


I immediately ran to her side, about to hug her, but she backed away from me in an instant. I felt discarded and slightly hurt by her actions...but she moved as if she were... afraid?

"What's the matter?" I said instantaneously.

"Yui... you promise you'll never hurt me, right?"

Why would she ask such an odd question like that? I grew somewhat offended upon her asking.

"Paru, of course I wouldn't." I placed my hands on her shoulders as she slightly flinched in their presence. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over trying to figure things out...her blinds were shut, they were a dark brown color, so the room was only partially lit with brown.

As I glanced back, I noticed something in Paru's eyes that caught ahold of me and held my tight like a whip. Her eyes were like a book she wanted me to read, and she made it very obvious.

...she didn't wanna be near me.

what could have I done that was so vain?

"Did I do something wrong?" I then asked.

"No..." She looked away at her white carpet as she roughened her facial expression.

"Then what is it? Why are you acting distant from me all of the sudden?"

"Nothing...i'm not acting distant..."

"Please, you can tell me anything! I'll listen, if you need to talk about something, i'm here for you" I grew impatient. I moved my hands away from her shoulders and looked at her with a pleading face for the truth.

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