Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"Sssh..." Haruka hissed as she tried stitching up a few open wounds I still had from Tadashi's torturing sessions. I had cuts all over my body, but some of them were pretty gruesome and i'm quite surprised Haruka didn't faint at the sight of it. We were sitting on the bed in the spare room.

"It hurts..." I whispered to myself as I clenched onto my loose white shirt that they put on me. I was one of those button up shirts, a few of the top buttons were unraveled so I had to wear it like I was in a magazine or something.

"I'm almost done, don't worry." She started stitching up more of the wound as I flinched and grabbed my shirt tighter than before, expressing my pain. I groaned softly the more and more she'd poke the needle through my skin. I couldn't help but to make sounds of pain, it hurt, badly.

Haruka suddenly stopped when she was almost done with the cut. She stared at the cut with mid-wide eyes, her face was somewhat of a pink hue.

"Would you stop making those noises?" she muttered in a blank tone as she then proceeded onto the cut again.

"It's kinda hard n-not to- ow!"

"I'm done..." She softly smiled and avoided my gaze as she stared at the floor solemnly. Her face stayed red and her eyes stayed glued to the floor.

"Haruka?" I was utterly confused by her odd actions.

Haruka pressed her right hand on my bruised cheek and quickly pressed her lips against mine without any question. My once dark eyes changed into a greyish haze as I widened them from surprise. What was this about? All I could hear was my heartbeat in my ears and my mouth quivered against her soft porcelain like lips.

Without parting our lips she slowly and cautiously pushed me back towards the bed, watching my cut up back. My body grew heated, my mind was filled with only her, I couldn't think.

She softly parted our lips and looked down at me with sad eyes, then smiled gently.

"I'm sorry...I didn't remember...I feel so mean, you must have went through so much pain just for me..."

I kept my mouth shut do to my surprise.

"Do you still love me, Yokoyama Yui?'

I looked to the side as I covered my mouth with my sleeve. I couldn't help but to blush, she was only staring at me with loving eyes, and I didn't know what to do.

"...I do.." I groaned under my sleeve so it was slightly muffled. Haruka slightly paused as she looked down at me with nervousness in her eyes. "Yui..."

Everytime she said my name it hurt, but it also made me nervous and shiver. I slowly looked back up at her as I then cautiously wrapped my arms around her neck while gazing into her eyes. It felt as if everything was going so slow, it felt like I was being pulled from the time i'm in now back into the passed, she's exactly the same, personality, eyes, and her beauty.

"Kiss me..." I demanded slightly as I yanked down on her neck ever so slightly. She nodded and followed through with my demand as she leaned down, closing her eyes and softly pressing her lips onto mine, she had no nervousness whatsoever, and she seemed as if she was already used to it.

She pulled away away whilst opening her eyes as she then went back to her past position.

"More..." I murmured as I began to be feeling love drunk. She slowly leaned down again and repeated but the only thing that was different was that her lips stayed stuck to mine, she began moving them as I followed her kissing pattern. She was a great kisser, because this actually made me feel like going crazy. Paru immediately increased her dominance as she bit my ear as hard as she could, at least so I thought.

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