Lola Tomlinson

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Exactly a week ago, Harry had told me in the park that he actually does love me and care about me. Exactly a week ago, I also tried to kill my mother's fiance. I had a feeling there was a connection there.

My mom thought at first that Percy should move out. But she soon decided it would be easier for me to stay with one of my uncles for free than to have Percy pay to stay at a hotel. I didn't see why he couldn't stay with a friend or his parents or something, but whatever.

I lived at Liam's for three days out of that week. He has three kids. There's Jessa who was twenty, but she was hardly ever at home. She was only there on weekends because she lived at college. Well, university as the brits call it. Riley's eighteen and tries to be nice to me, but it's only to please his parents. And then there's fourteen-year-old Gracie who's basically terrified of me and tries her best to stay away from whatever place in the house I'm in. Liam's wife, Ally is really nice, though. She doesn't treat me any different or whatever. She acts like I'm one of her own kids.

"I know you're upset right now," Liam told me the first night I was there. "But things will get better. It's only for a little while."

That was a lie because nothing got better. Everything was worse. I cut off a chunk of Gracie's hair while she was napping on the couch because I thought I saw bubblegum in it. And then Riley invited some friends over and I had a mental breakdown right in front of them. It's a long story. So then I was shipped off to Louis'.

Louis' house was better and I didn't get kicked out. Yet. He's divorced and his ex wife is a bitch, so I'm not even going to start with her. His kids are a little more accepting of me, but still try not to talk to me if they don't have to. Gorgia is twenty-two, Edward is nineteen, Wendy is sixteen, and Lola is fourteen. Georgia goes to college but lives with her dad. She's usually in her room studying. Edward goes by Eddy and is gay. He came out when he was fifteen, so he gets what it's like to be different. Except when it comes to me. I scare the shit out of him because when we were little, I convinced him there was a ghost that followed him around and most of his childhood consisted of constant ghost-filled nightmares.

"How long is she staying here, exactly?" I overheard Wendy whispering to Louis in the kitchen.

"As long as she needs to." Louis replied.

"But I can't have friends over if she's here," Wendy groaned. "Varana won't come over unless she's out of here."

"Varana is practically her cousin," Louis pointed out. "And I don't think her dad would be verry happy hearing she's being rude towards her. Sydney can't help it."

I knew Varana well. She was Zayn's only daughter, and the youngest of four. His sons were really polite and nice, but Varana was just like Wendy: bitchy and judgemental. She, like Wendy, didn't even ever try to be nice to me.

 I slunk back into the living room and plopped down on the couch. I stared at the blank TV for about five minutes until Lola walked downstairs and through the living room to get to the kitchen. She saw me just sitting there and stopped.

"Are you okay?" she wondered.

I didn't move my stare. "Am I ever actually okay?"

"You're not that weird." she shrugged.

I'd had enough of people being so fake with me, honestly. "You don't have to pretend to be nice to me, okay," I sighed. "Just keep walking."

"I know you can't help it, Sydney," she said, walking over to sit next to me on the couch. "Daddy taught me that you shouldn't be mean or make fun of someone because of something they can't control."

"I think you might be the less ignorant Tomlinson child." I mused.

"Thank you," she smiled. "I think."

 "So why is Wendy being a little shit?" I asked.

For some reason - maybe the fact Wendy was giving me shit for something I have zero control over - I was in the worst mood and didn't really care about being nice. Hell, if Hal showed up and told me to douse Wendy in gasoline and set her on fire, I didn't think I'd protest much.

"She always is," Lola explained. "It gets worse around Varana. She's always trying to act wicked cool around V, but I don't understand why. I think they're both fucking twats either way. Just going out and getting high. Have you ever been high, Syd?"

"That stuff makes you act weird right?" I wondered. I'd never actually used the stuff, I've just heard stories. "I'm weird enough."

"Have you seen Alice in Wonderland?" she asked.

I nodded, looking at her. "Yeah, why?"

"Then you'd know the best people are the weirdest people," she said in all seriousness. "Well, not those exact words, but you get the picture."

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