Silent But Deadly

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I was released from the hospital with only scratches and bruises - a lot of 'em. But not only my battle scars, I also had a new attitude towards life. And it was a terrible one. My perspective on life was almost nonexistent. I had come to the terms that if I died, it would be okay. And it was my own father that pushed that belief into my head.

The next few days consisted of sitting on Louis' couch and staring at the blank TV like I did before Lola showed up that one night. And as I sat there, she did show up. At first, she said nothing. But after fifteen minutes went by and we were both still silent, she spoke.

"You don't have to listen to him, you know," she advised. "I know he's your father, but still."

I still didn't say anything, so she got up and left. Hal and Tuesday visited as well. Hal had Tuesday fetch a lighter from Wendy's room and she held it to my arms and hair. That was the first time I made any noise in three days. My shrieks were probably heard down the block. Georgia ran down the steps and helped me calm down while Edward dialed his father's number frantically. And after I had calmed down and the white hot pain had stopped, I acted like nothing happened and sat back on the couch, saying nothing; just watching the black TV.

I was sent to Niall's house. My mom heard about how I never said a word since the hospital and though I was getting worse. She said it would be better I wasn't around Percy still. I was okay with that, but still hurt I was second to some scumbag like Percy.

Theo had to go back to Ireland to visit with his parents since he had been gone for two weeks or more. At Niall's, it was me and his kids, Shaunie, Nelson, and William. Shaunie and Nelson were twins at  seventeen, while Will was only fifteen. Shaunie was always out with her friends, or doing sports. She was really pretty. Short, fit, and curvy, with vibrant red hair and clear, deep blue eyes. She always had dates, something I've never had once in my life. When she wasn't out with her friends, she was at cheerleading and dance. Nelson didn't look much like his sister. He was tall, muscular, and tan. His hair was short and brown, much like how Liam's hair looked after he got rid of his Bieber hair. His eyes matched his sister's, though. He always had soccer or was out with friends, too. And then Will locked himself away in his room all the time. The only times he ever went out was if Nelson invited him, or if he was hanging out with Gracie. So I had no one.

"She's not getting any better," I could hear Niall say in the kitchen. His wife, Olivia wasn't home, so I assumed he was on the phone with someone. More than likely, my mother. "She's been looking at the wall for a week. Nothing will get her to snap out of it. I had Theo call her, but she didn't even budge. I'm hoping the kid gets back here soon."

Theo showed up two days later. He came in with a smile on his face as he set his bags down. When he saw me do nothing, his face fell. He sat down next to me, took my hand, and stared at the wall with me.

Louis had stopped by one evening to hang out with Niall. Niall also had his youngest daughter, Iris over. She belonged to Olivia. The rest of the kids were from his first marriage to a girl named Aubrey, but she was a bitch to be frank.

"I feel bad for kicking her out," Louis sighed. I was still sat in the living room, so I heard everything they were saying. "I feel like she's my own daughter, you know? But she was just so depressed."

"She hasn't changed much here," Olivia reported. "Even with Theo here, she hasn't done anything. She sleeps on the couch, wakes up and sits there, and then goes to sleep again. She only gets up to use the bathroom. Niall, me, or one of the kids has to bring food to her, and she only eats about half of it usually."

Theo was upstairs in what was supposed to be my room, napping. My silence was stressing him out, as well as everyone else. Although, my mom and Percy didn't seem to have a care in the world.

"It's like she's not even alive anymore." Niall said, exhausted.

"I don't know what could've messed her up like this." Louis mused.

Try my father. He was the whole reason I became part of the undead, basically. It wasn't Hal or Tuesday, which was a shock. It was Harry, who hadn't even come to see the damage since that one morning in the hospital. I wondered if he knew what he'd done. He probably did and was happy he'd finally gotten to me. Ecstatic, even. And I wanted to call to him, to tell him I wanted him to tell me what he was doing to me. I used to be able to function decently, and now I was a vegetable. But my mouth couldn't form words.

"You don't have to talk," Harry said from beside me. "Just listen. I'm not happy you're like this, even though you think I am. I hate seeing you like this. It's like how the boys and your mother were after I died. I hate this. So I'll make it up to you. I'll help you achieve happiness. And I promise you, Sydney, you won't be alone."

I didn't say anything. The only noise made was the squeak when I stood up from the couch. Harry got up after me and led me upstairs to Will's room. He ripped out a piece of notebook paper from the open one subject notebook on his desk. He sat me down and handed me a pen.

"Write a note," he said and I began scribbling, knowing what he was going to tell me. "Just tell them you're gone out to clear your head. You're going to see your mom or something."

I did as I was told, saying I called up one of the Payne kids to give me a lift to my mom's. I tapped the note on the inside of the guest room door so at least Theo would see it when he woke up. Then I went back into Will's room, opened the window, and climbed out. The vines going up the side of Niall's house helped out a lot with my decent. And after that, I let Harry lead me to my mom's.

The walk wasn't long. An hour, maybe. But the whole time, Harry said nothing. He just held my hand as we walked. Maxee appeared at one point, but I ignored her. I didn't know what she was trying to tell me, but I didn't care at this point.

When we got to my mom's house, all of the lights were off. I found the key we hid under the giant potted plant by the door and opened it as quietly as possible. I made it up to my room, making sure the door was closed tightly behind me. Then I sat on my bed, waiting for Harry to tell me what to do next.

"Here's the hard part," he said, pulling our the chair from my desk. "Or maybe it'll be easy for you. Depends on the person, really."

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