Hal and Tuesday

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"Honey, I just don't understand," my mom sighed, her hands hitting her thighs with an audible slap. "Why don't you want to go to a school like kids your age?"

"I told you," I said, sitting down at the round kitchen table with four chairs around it, but only two were ever used on a regular basis. "I don't want to get harassed because of who my dad was and all that crap."

"Is," my mom corrected. "He's still your father."

My mom's name is Marissa Aleah Mocarro. Well, it was until she got married and took my dad's last name. She met my dad because her dad worked at some venue in Boston and she was able to meet him during his three nights there. They spent almost the whole time together. Everyone knew they were in love and no one thought they would ever split up. They were right in a way.

"Besides," I went on. "Stuff like that's only in the movies. The angsty teen girl wants to be like everyone else her age. I, however, know where I stand."

My mom gave up on that and went to get her books for teaching. Although, I preferred to do most of my work independently. But sometimes, my mom got afraid leaving me alone. One time my mom went down the street to the corner store for some milk. She came back and the stove was on fire. Tuesday can make me do some pretty weird things.

She plopped the stack of books down in front of me and handed me a pencil. "I have to go to the doctor's today," she said, walking to the counter. My mom was eight months pregnant with my half-brother, Edward. She was actually having him with some guy she met almost a decade after Harry's death. I hated him for various reasons. "So I called up your uncles to come watch you."

"Mom, I'm eighteen." I reminded her.

"But you also almost blew up the house with your mega soda bomb," she said, spining around to face me, while also trying to hide her smile. "Since you tried to do it using the house's plumbing system."

"Tuesday told me it would be a cool project for science." I shrugged.

"Tuesday says a lot of things, but they never work out and you know it."

"He's very convincing."

"He's a cat, Sydney."

I sighed and put my head down so my mom wouldn't see me rolling my eyes. She just didn't understand that you don't have to talk to be persuasive. My mom started sounding more and more like her boyfriend every day.

His name is Percy Carter. He's a close-minded, egotistic, uncultured swine if you want his personality in a nutshell. Just thinking about him makes me cringe and throw up a little in my mouth. And my baby brother is going to have his DNA. Fantastic.

"They'll be here in about ten minutes," she continued, kissing my forehead as she slung her bag over her shoulder. "I'll be back soon. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom." I called back as she closed the door.

I looked back at the table to find Tuesday sprawled out on my stuff. It was far too early in the day to be dealing with Tuesday. Actually, that was my excuse at any given hour. I just never wanted to see him. But I didn't have a choice.

"Tuesday, get out of here," I ordered. "I have work to do and you're making a mess of my stuff."

He meowed in response, rolling over on his back. I picked him up and put him on the ground. He walked over to the counter and leaped up on it, making his way over to the fridge. There were pictures and magnets placed all over the stainless steel doors. Tuesday flicked his tail towards the one of my mom, Percy, and me together. He meowed and his orange eyes glowed.

"Shut up, Tuesday," I growled. "I'm not in the mood."

"Oh, Sydney," Hal said from the chair next to me. She had her pale legs crossed and she was twirling her white hair around a slim finger. "You should confront your feelings for Percy eventually."

"I've confronted and accepted them, trust me." I said, trying to focus on my work.

Tuesday meowed again and Hal nodded. "You're right, Tuesday. Syd, maybe you haven't accepted his feelings towards you. That could be why you're so hostile."

I stopped what I was doing and raised my head. "What are you talking about?"

"We all know you hate Percy, but maybe his feelings aren't so different. Although, they could be mutual. Do you know how he feels about you, Sydney?"

I had never actually asked, nor cared how Percy felt about me. But after hearing Hal's melodic voice talking about it, I had to admit I was curious.

"No." I admitted.

"Haven't you ever thought about it? He probably knows you don't like him, so why would he want to put up with you? Face it, Sydney, you've caused him to hate you. You brought it upon yourself. And now your family will never be happy because you can't find the good in others. What will your mother think if she ever finds out? She's going to be so upset. Sydney, you've messed up completely."

"Shut up," I growled. "I did not."

"Oh, but Sydney," Hal said, putting a hand on my leg. "You have. Your mother hasn't been happy in so long since Harry died. Percy is what makes her happy. You? She had to monitor you so you don't hurt you or anyone else. Who do you think she'd choose?"

"Shut up!"

"Sydney, I think the answer is clear."

Tears had already formed in my eyes. They were angry tears. I knew that her logic was unflawed. If I were in my mother's shoes, I'd choose someone I love over a freak any day. Hal was right and I knew it. It was obvious.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked in a broken voice.

Hal snapped her fingers and Tuesday appeared on the table. She grabbed my hand and turned it over so my palm was up. Then she held her hand out towards Tuesday. He had something held in his tail and he dropped it into her palm. She held it up to my hand and the light caught it. A razor.

"Get your pain out." she replied soothingly, putting the cold metal to my wrist.

"No, Hal, I can't." I said, trying to pull away, but her grip was too tight.

"It's okay, Sydney," she said. "It's all okay."

She cut a mark deep across my wrist. Dark blood flooded out and I was sure I was going to bleed out and die. I'd need stitches to fix that. I would die and one of the boys would be the one to find me.

I stood up from my chair, screaming. Hal watched with wide, innocent eyes. Tuesday just sat there, licking his paw as his tail twitched. I backed into a corner of the kitchen, still screaming as tears ran down my face. I stared at my wrist which was getting paler and paler from loss of blood. It was all over the table, the floor, and myself. I slid down the wall into a pool of it and didn't stop screaming or crying.

"Sydney, oh my God!" someone yelled from the doorway in the kitchen. I felt strong arms around me, but I couldn't tell who it was passed the tears and blood. "Shh, it's okay, Sydney. You're okay. You're fine."

I blinked rapidly to get the tears out of my eyes. I looked up and saw Louis' blue eyes looking down at me with concern. I looked back down at my wrist. The gash was gone. There was no blood anywhere. Tuesday and Hal had vanished.

I was definitely nothing like girls my age.

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