Jealousy Part Two

Start from the beginning

"I think Marco." said Jozu.


"Get one more person to vote for the tie breaker-yoi." suggested Marco. They nodded.

"But who?" asked (Y/n).

"How about Thatch-yoi?" 

"Good idea. OI, THATCH! COME JUDGE OUR FISH PILES!" yelled (Y/n). He cut through the crowd and pointed to (Y/n)'s pile. 

"I think (Y/n) wins."

"HELL YEAH! YA HEAR THAT MR. PINEAPPLE?! I WIN!" Marco just chuckled and said, "Yeah I know (Y/n)-yoi, what do I have to do?" (Y/n) got a devious look on her face and grabbed Marco by the hand, and dragged him into her bedroom and she shut the door behind her.

Ace's P.O.V.

'What are they doing behind there? But, I agree. (Y/n) caught more fish...what are they doing that's taking so long?' Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and (Y/n) walked out with a big smile.

"Attention! May I have your attention please?! Ehem, thank you. I would like to introduce everyone's new personal maid for the next month! May I introduce, LADY PINEAPPLE!" (Y/n) stepped to the side and out stepped...."MARCO?! AHAHAHAHA!" everyone shouted and started laughing their asses off. Right in front of us, was Marco the Phoenix, in a french maid outfit. He even had a feather duster, and one of the head pieces. And yes, this included the fishnet stockings, but she spared him a little, he didn't have to wear high heels, instead he's wearing black flats. A-MAZ-ING.

"Come on Lady Pineapple! Introduce yourself!" yelled (Y/n). Smiling a huge ass smile. She looks so adorable. Wait just a minute, what was she doing with a maid outfit? Has she worn it? What would she look like with it on? 

"Hello everyone, I am Lady Pineapple-yoi." and then he did a little flick of his wrist and it made the feather duster move.

"So if anyone needs anything! Just yell, 'LADY PINEAPLE!' and she will be with you as fast as she can! She will be working with us for a whole month! I HOPE YOU ENJOY MY PRESENT TO YOU!" Everyone, including me, cheered and clapped and whistled. It was, Then everyone went to their original spots, and started using, 'Lady Pineapple' to their advantages. 

I was about to too, until I noticed out of the corner of my eye, I saw Thatch starting to approach (Y/n). A little stalking won't hurt. Blackmail is always nice to have. God knows she has plenty of dirt on me. I snuck around the corner, and started to listen in.

"Hey (Y/n), I love what you did. Thank you. I will never let him live this down."

"No problem! I wanted to tease him about it, and when I have the chance, I will do something like this."

"You know (Y/n), you'd look a lot better in that outfit."

"And there's the pervert I know! I've actually already worn it. Maybe like once or twice. I don't need it anymore."

WOAH! S-she wore it before? Why would she need to wear that?

"I see, what did you need it for?"

"Well on one of my missions, I needed to kill a certain guy to get to my main objective, so I figured out he was at a bar, and let me tell you, he was DRUNK. He thought he was gonna get some and so I went home with him, and he had a maid fetish. and so while we were making out and he was touching me, and distracted, I snapped his neck, and I kept the outfit. I figured I might need it someday, but this is WAY better."

"I agree." they both laughed. So she....I don't even want to think about that. 


"GAH! Don't sneak up behind me!" I whisper-yelled. He rolled his eyes, and dragged be away from their conversation.

"I was doing research!" I complained.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We all know you were being a stalker-yoi." My face turned red out of embarrassment.

"I wasn't." I mumbled and crossed my arms in a pout.

"Do you want help-yoi?"

"Help? What are you talking about?"

"Getting (Y/n)-yoi. I know you like her. In all honesty, I ship it."

"You really would!? And...what the hell 'ship'?"

"Never mind that. And yes-yoi. Let's get you and (Y/n)-yoi together." I smiled.

"But to do that, you can't stalk her conversation with every guy."

"I WAS NOT STALKING!" I shouted....really loudly. I looked around and I saw a few pairs of eyes on me. I stuck my tongue out at them and sighed.

"What's the plan?"

A/N: HEY GUYS! I tried making this chapter longer than usual since I haven't updated in a while. :) Anyways. I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to comment, and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it. Alright bye guys! TOODLES~!

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