~Most Wonderful Time of the Year~

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A/N : THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL CHAPTER!! I'm sorry if I accidentally got your hopes up T^T This isn't a chapter for this book, it's more like a ONE SHOT from my deviant art that I wanted to share with you <3 So I hope you enjoy it. Enjoy.....?

  Ah~ Christmas.

A time to gather with your loved ones and share presents and express your love.

Why can't your Christmas's be like that?!

~Cooking Cookies~

Ace, your loving narcoleptic boyfriend wanted to do something nice for the holidays, and well you really like cookies. He didn't want to half ass this by getting the cookie dough out of the packages, so he thought he could make it from scratch.

Oh dear god what a mistake. How did trying to do something nice for your girlfriend turn into such a mess?!

Butter was smeared on the counter, a bag of sugar was tipped over, tons of it falling onto the floor, the mixer out of whack, and not to mention he looked like a mess. You were out shopping for gifts so luckily he would have enough time to have these cookies in the oven and get the kitchen (and himself) cleaned up. He had Christmas music blasting throughout the house, so sadly he couldn't hear the door open and shut.

He just needed to add the flour, and then the dough will be perfect!! He picked up the big sack of flour, ready to transfer it to the other counter closer to the mixer, when suddenly he stepped on some sugar and butter...

"Yo Ace I'm ba-?!" the flour dropped on the floor, causing it to explode all over the place, covering both you and the freckled male in pure white.

You blinked a few times, trying to grasp the situation. You scanned the kitchen and noticed the ingredients to make simple chocolate chip cookies. You felt bad for your boyfriend, you understood what he was trying (and failed) to do.

"(Y/n)!! I-I can explain!" he waved his hands frantically. You shook your head and approached him. You took your hands and slapped his cheeks lightly, causing flour to puff out into the air. You both laughed.

"Look Ace, I appreciate the effort and all...but I thought we both agreed to never let you cook again after that 2 year anniversary incident." you both had a look of grimace on your faces before he quickly shook it away and sighed.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you..." you kissed his floured lips and gave a funky face.

"Haha, you tasted the flour." he laughed at you.

"Oh ha ha. Shut it freckles, we gotta clean up your mess." he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, a habit that you liked.

"Okay~ okay~."

Aren't cookies supposed to be simple??

~Snowball Fights~

Good old snowball fights. A tradition in your family, and well, every family out there! You and Ace were on opposite sides of your yard, behind snow forts, along with your army.

Ace's Team : Luffy, Sanji, Robin, Brook, Chopper

(Y/n)'s Team : Sabo, Zoro, Nami, Franky, Law

Usopp was....er well let's just say he didn't want to play, so he was being the referee.

"THREE. TWO. ONE. GOOOOOOOOOOO~!" yelled Usopp. The moment people started chucking the compacted snow, he went a safe distance away and started to observe the game carefully.

"YOU'RE GOING DOWN FRECKLES!!!" you yelled, readying a ball.

"DON'T THINK SO SWEETHEART~!" he replied. You jumped out from behind your fort as Ace did the same, and you both chucked the snow at one another, narrowly missing.

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