Christmas Day and a Drunken Confession

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A/n : lol hey guys wassup?! This is my first time writing on my phone. Sorry about typos. Enjoy...?                                                          

You were freezing. Your body was covered in goosebumps and your whole body was shaking as you desperately tried to drag your blanket higher and closer to your body.                

"Why in the hell is it so damn cold?!" You mumbled to yourself, eyes squeezed shut tightly as you tried to escape back into the dream world. Then you remembered. You shot up so fast that your neck hurt, but you ignored it and flung the covers off of your barely covered body.      

 "IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" You yelled at the very top of your lungs while jumping up and down just like a little kid. You giggled like a madman as you raced to everyone else's cabins shouting the same phrase over and over and over again, causing some also now excited people to join you in getting everyone up. One of those people being Thatch.

You two grabbed each other's hands and jumped around in a little circle singing, 'It's Christmas, It's Christmas, WHOOP WHOOP' over and over again. Everyone cheerfully got out of their cabins and hurried their way towards the large tree that stood mid deck with a shit ton of presents underneath it. You got in the middle of the crowd and clapped your hands very loudly, everyone shut up and suddenly all eyes were on you.

"EEK! I just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS BIATCHES AND LET'S PAAAAAARTAAAAAAAAY YOU ALL KNOW THE TRADITIONS! WHOOP WHOOP!" you yelled, fist pumping the air. Ace looked around weirdly.

"Erm...traditions??" he asked very confused. Everyone stopped their cheering and looked at Ace like he was a piece of meat. You chuckled darkly and slapped your hand on his shoulder. You leaned in close to his ear.

"Ne, Ace?" he gulped at how intriguing your voice sounded, a hot fiery blush taking over his tan cheeks. You made your fingers crawl up his bare chest.


"All I want for Christmaaaaas....iiiiiis yoooooou~." 

"Huh?" suddenly the musicians started to jam out their music and you stood back from Ace, shaking your hips seductivly.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas! There is just one thing I neeeeeeeeeed!" you sang, Thatch coming right next to you, slinging his arm over your shoulder as he started to move his hips to the beat, syncing with your movements.

"And I don't care about the presents, uuunderneath the Christmas tree~." the musicians took over for your guys' mediocre singing and started to jam out. 

"DRINKING CONTEEEEEST!" yelled Thatch, everyone cheered. You helped Marco, Ace, Thatch, and Jozu unload every single thing of alcohol you guys had. Ranging from little bottles, to gigantic ass barrels that were for old poppa beardo.

Whitebeard just sat there chuckling as he watched his children set up for the yearly tradition. Once everything was out there Ace asked the question that's been on his mind for a while.

"Okay, what are we doing again?"

"You see freckles, this is a tradition on this ship! Basically everyone drinks as much as they can, and the first person who passes out get's decorated like a christmas tree! You keep doing it until there's only two people left, and then those two have to fight it out until someone knocks the other one out! Understand??" he nodded as a smile spread across his sprinkled face.

"Sounds like a party."

"That's cause it is." you deadpanned, he blushed out of embarrassment and looked away.

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