Shipping and OTP

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A/N: Hey meh peeps! Hope you enjoy this odd chapter thing. I just felt like writing so this is all just randomness that I thought of along the way. Dedicated to OnePiecePuppet! Enjoy....?

Third Person P.O.V.

"I ship it." stated Thatch as he leaned on the railing gazing upon (Y/n) and Ace telling each other jokes and laughing their asses off like the morons they are.

"What is that-yoi?" asked Marco as he raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"You don't know what shipping is?" Thatch fake gasped.


"It's where you like the idea of two people being together! I ship Ace and (Y/n), so I want them to become a couple, and they would make the most adorable couple ever!" 

"Aren't you getting a little too carried away?" asked Marco.


"O-T-P?" asked Marco once again, not understanding what the hell Thatch is talking about.

"One true pairing. I guess (Y/n) was right, you do have pineapple for brains." and cue the tick mark that appears on Marco's forehead.

"What was that-yoi?"

"Hm? Oh nothing~!" Marco sighed in defeat.

"But I do agree with you, I'm routing for them-yoi."


"SHHH! Not so loud dumbass!" Thatch was now aboard the (ship name) express, and it was fairly clear that he would go to great lengths to make his OTP happen. 

"I shall make it happen. Wanna help?"

"Why not-yoi?" Thatch had a mischievous smirk plastered on that face of his. 

"Oi, you're kinda creeping me out with that look-yoi! Quit it!"

"Huh? Sorry. I was thinking of ways to make it happen. Any ideas?"

Marco shook his head. Thatch showed clear disappointment, but his face immediately lit up when an idea formed. 

"I have an idea that might just work." Thatch motioned for Marco to lean in closer, and Thatch cupped his hands around his mouth and towards Marco's ear, and he whispered his plan. Marco smirked, clearly liking the idea. Marco and Thatch walked around the ship, whispering to each member of the crew, and telling them about the plan. 

Operation, 'Make Ace Jealous', was ago.


A/N: Hey my peeps, hope you liked it! I am honestly getting excited for the next chapter to see how this goes, AND I'M THE ONE WRITING IT! Wow, that's actually kinda depressing. I'm the author, and I have no idea what's gonna happen. :) BUT I SHALL TRY MY BEST! I hope you dinos enjoyed it and I love you guys! Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated. TOODLES~!

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